Wave energy is recognized to be a potential major contributor to the Renewable Energy Mix in Europe and elsewhere. The technology for extracting energy from the waves is still on the research and development stage.
Experiences show that moor ing system design is a fundamental issue for the survival of floating WEC (Wave Energy Converters) and need to be critically assessed. Potential accidental conditions would be considered and appropriate damage tolerance or at least survival of temporary p eriods involving replacement of mooring components or a platform, would be ensured.
Design, inspection and maintenance criteria for WEC are being developed based on experiences from offshore structures used in the oil and gas industry. Special efforts ar e underway to establish procedures (protocols) for overall assessment of such facilities.
In this study a WEC type will be chosen as a representative one to base the research upon alternative geometrical configurations and relevant cases selected. Such st udies will be made to provide information for optimal system design; with respect to energy capture and structural integrity.
The purpose of this work is to
- establish the design criteria for WEC and to develop system models that ena ble us to predict
- the energy capture for a class of WEC
- load effects in the structure, mooring system
and power generating machinery that is required to assess the safety of wave energy
converters - with an emphasis on the structural aspects.
- based on quantitative studies propose improvements in the design of the hull or mooring
Expected results
High quality publications and for the industry and society at large is: New knowledge that includes new and suitable methods o f evaluation of energy capture and overall safety and operational issues. In addition, the project expects to contribute to removing barriers to the commercial exploitation of offshore wave energy.