In this exploratory project, we will investigate what the impact of neuroscience - and in particular of neurotechnologies such as fMRI-scanners - will and should be on the practice of the law, in particular criminal law and criminal procedure, as well as on our theoretical understanding of the law. Our three main research questions are:
1) Which philosophical conclusions concerning moral and criminal responsibility can be drawn from the neuroscientific findings?
2) What does neuroscience tell us about h ow people exercise their moral judgment, and in what way should this knowledge influence the practice and theory of criminal law?
3) Which considerations should guide the introduction of neurotechnologies in court? At which point is neuroscience and
neu rotechnology sufficiently developed and reliable to provide premises for legal decisions and public policy?
The proposed exploratory project will result in a proposal for a larger, long-term research project, as well as in three published articles and on e international conference.