In trees, the carbon dioxide is sequestered predominantly in the form of lignin, cellulose and other polymeric sugars in the cell wall forming wood. Wood is a very durable natural product, but in Norway and other European countries, pathogenic fungi and f ungi with abilities to break down wood, cause severe losses. Thus, factors that negatively impacts the production of new wood in trees or degrades already formed wood, such a pathogenic or wood degrading fungi as well as positive factors such as tree resi stance and durability of wood produced, needs to be taken into account in a breeding programme.
This proposal is the first Norwegian attempt to realize genetic gains in resistance to the pathogenic fungi white root rot (Heterobasidion parviporum) and ba rk-beetle-vectored blue-stain fungi (Ceratosystis polonica) in Norway spruce. By doing research on grafted genotypes and their progenies, which are likely candidates to be used in breeding and seed orchards, we hereby propose to build up knowledge of the relationship between resistance and wood quality traits, and how to use this information in practical breeding. In seven described work packages (attached) we will assess wood quality and resistance traits in clones propagated as grafts in clonal archives , in rooted cuttings in our experimental farm, as well as in their progenies. We will estimate genetic parameters, and discard poor parental clones from future breeding populations. Parental clones combining proper wood density and resistance will be memb ers among parents in the seed orchards. A post doc will be associated to the project, with the aim to increase the number of persons who have the competence to do breeding research and practical breeding in the future.