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ENERGIX-Stort program energi


Awarded: NOK 57.7 mill.

The project description for project no 201779 appears in the original project descriptions for the two ongoing projects and the three proposed projects described in the attachment Basis for CEDREN RENERGI, and in the project description for the CEDREN-cen tre (CEDREN - project description - dated 12.1.2009). The vision of the Centre for Environmental Design of Renewable Energy, CEDREN, is to become an important instrument for addressing local environmental and societal challenges associated with renewable energy in Norway, starting with hydropower, onshore wind and transmission lines, and expanding into offshore wind and other renewable sources. The main challenge for hydropower is to develop technological and operational designs for balancing the increas ing degree of uncontrolled renewable energy production while maintaining the ecological integrity of the associated ecosystems. For other renewables, the main challenges are to design systems that minimize environmental and societal impacts, and to unders tand the political, institutional and regulatory mechanisms involved. The CEDREN consortium represents a unique collaboration of institutions with internationally recognised competence on hydropower design, hydrology and hydraulics, applied aquatic and t errestrial ecology and social sciences. This interdisciplinary group, working in close cooperation with a range of international scientists, industry and management will utilize modern experimental, field and numerical laboratories to meet the challenges of environmental design. Industry and management partners are strongly dedicated to the Centre objectives. PhDs and post-docs will form the core of the research activity and ensure education of relevant expertise. Due to the societal perspective of CEDREN , strong emphasis will be placed on the dissemination of results and interaction with society.

Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi