For centuries global economic expansion has lead to conflicts over land tenure and changes in production systems. In recent years a wave of international land investments or 'land grabs', driven by global food, energy and climate change crises, have recei ved media attention and led to new research and policy initiatives concerned with the threats to human rights and social stability. Several gaps exist in the empirical and theoretical understanding of the land deals: There are few well-documented cases an d gendered relations, processes and outcomes are rarely well understood. Research on the trajectories of change caused by a wide variety of transnational deals and possible alternative scenarios and strategies is called for. The normative evaluation of th e projects requires reflection on the human capabilities and rights of the groups and individuals involved. This two-year research project is carried out in collaboration between a the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and the Program on Collective Ac tion and Property Rights (CAPRi) of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). It aims to contribute to policy-relevant research capacity and knowledge on the land deals and will focus on how the projects affect women and men in different w ays; how land and water tenure are recognized and affected; how resource capture takes place; how power relations and collective action by land users and others affect the deals. The research combines analysis of media content and secondary sources with a comparative case study of projects in two African countries. Normative evaluation will draw on the values that actors evoke, existing and emerging guidelines, and human rights. Academic and policy outputs will be shared with CAPRi/IFPRI partners and othe r organizations and networks working on the large transnational land deals in Africa, schemes that embody both promises of development and threats to human rights and capabilities.