The 10th NorSIS conference is to be hold in Trondheim in October 2011, NTNU.
The biannual conference is organized in different Nordic countries each time. Last year it was held in Aarhus, Denmark and the year before that in Växjö, Sweden. This year Norw ay was asked to host the conference and Department for Art and Media Studies, NTNU has accepted to host the conference in October 2011.
The topic for the confence will center on the following:
At this time and age it is commonly understood that media ar e integrated, intertwined and mixed, that is to say all media are inter-medial. Nevertheless, we tend to use, interact and understand media as diverse and different from each other. For instance: We read a novel, we watch a movie, a play or a picture, and when we read we talk about making your own images etc. And there is a difference between how different media are received in a public sphere (the Muhammed cartoon controversy being one illustrative example of the power of pictures).
What we would like t o address at this conference is what intermediality means, and to focus on content and meaning rather than form. In short we want to address the question: What do media do? How do Media act??
Our point of departure is that media do not represent the worl d but rather do things to it, intervene into it. We will encourage papers that will focus on image acts and language acts, in particular, and provide fresh approaches to the old problems of image-text relations and borders, as well as to the ideological/p olitical powers of media acts.