NIME2011 is an interdisciplinary conference gathering 200-500 participants from all over the world to share their knowledge and late-breaking work on new musical interface design.
The conference is open to both scientific and artistic presentations. Par ticipants come from a number of different backgrounds and disciplines, including researchers (musicology, computer science, interaction design, etc.), artists (musicians, composers, dancers, etc.) and developers (self-employed and industrial). The common denominator is the mutual interest in new approaches to music and technology.
The conference is organised by, and will be located at, the University of Oslo (Depts. of Musicology and Informatics) and the Norwegian Academy of Music. The program is split into three categories:
- scientific part (paper presentations, posters, demonstrations and panel sessions)
- artistic part (evening concerts, club performances and installations)
- fringe events (workshops, seminars, excursions, guest lectures, exhibit ions and outreach activities)