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IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksl. Norge-Tyskland

Authority beyond states: Legal, political and philosophical perspectives on international institutions

Awarded: NOK 64,170

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2011 - 2012

This project addresses the exercise of authority by international institutions: its features, its causes and effects, and its implications. The project has three primary objectives: 1)Substantive collaboration aimed at cutting edge research on these topic s. 2)To establish a German-Norwegian interdisciplinary network of young, promising researchers in international law and international relations. 3)To help participants to publish the resulting papers in academic journals. Substantively, we shall address t hree sets of questions concerning the growing exercise of authority by international institutions: 1)The features of this development. 2)Its causes and effects. 3)Its legal and philosophical implications. In order to answer these questions, we shall draw mainly on three academic disciplines, which have long addressed these issues from their respective angles, yet only recently have started to talk with each other. 1)Political theorists have taken an increased interest in institutions beyond the nation st ate, not least within the recent cosmopolitan turn in political philosophy. 2)International relations research on international institutions has broadened its agenda to address empirical and normative issues of institutional design, the interplay between domestic and international institutions and multilevel governance. 3)International lawyers have debated the exercise of authority by international institutions under the headlines of the constitutionalization and fragmentation of international law, or fe atures of an emerging global administrative law. The project will produce a number of positive results: In the short term, we shall arrange two workshops to be held in Norway and Germany, hosted by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Social Scie nce Research Centre, Berlin. In the medium term, the project aims to produce high-quality publications. In the long term, we aim to establish durable networks across disciplinary and national boundaries.

Funding scheme:

IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksl. Norge-Tyskland