Intensive basic plant research mostly in Arabidopsis over the past twenty years allowed us to partly understand how a model species of molecular plant research (Arabidopsis) can adapt to and tolerate adverse environmental conditions. Plant researchers wor ld-wide are now confronted with the challenging task to translate this exemplary research from Arabidopsis to crops in order to optimize food, feedstock, and biomass production to meet the nutrition and energy needs of both developed and developing countr ies. This proposal focuses on the knowledge transfer of plant tolerance mechanisms to the agronomically important crop and monocotyledonous model plant species rice (Oryza sativa). I (Yarra Rajesh) have long-standing and profound expertise in rice and pla nt abiotic stress research. I will bring this valuable knowledge to the Norwegian Reumann group during my 10-month research stay. Both parties will merge their rice and peroxisome research expertise to investigate whether rice plants can be made tolerant to environmental adverse conditions focusing on salt stress. As one of the richest countries world-wide Norway aims to help developing countries such as India to increase the production of fundamental crops such as rice and to cope with the effects of glo bal warming. In addition to the Reumann laboratory several CORE plant research groups (Møller, Lillo, Eichacker) will benefit directly and other Norwegian plant research groups indirectly from this Norwegian-Indian collaboration.