There is a gap of knowledge in estimating of the interconnection between the marine acidification and oxygen depletion developments.These oxygen depletion conditions depend on a combined effect of eutrophication (increase in nutrient load) and climate (in tensity of mixing and water renewal). Climate change (i.e. rising temperature and increasing precipitation) is expected to have negative effects on water exchange and oxygen consumption and it is important to understand the natural biogeochemical and phys ical processes to handle manmade impacts
The goal of this proposal is to improve the understanding of natural and/or manmade marine acidification and oxygen deficiency dynamics in coastal waters using the Oslo Fjord as a natural large scale laboratory. T he project aims at improving biogeochemical-ecosystem-hydrophysical models, predicting the consequences of anthropogenic and climatic factors in Norwegian coastal waters.
These objectives are achieved by:
- analyzing archived data to distinguish climatic and anthropogenic signals.
- field studies of the hydrophysical and hydrochemical regime above, below and at redox interfaces.