This short project addresses a significant problem being faced by the Norwegian forestry sector along the entire coastal belt.
Almost 70 million m3 of timber are mature or are approaching maturity in steep terrain, with another 40 million m3 in the inl and region. Steep terrain harvesting must be done under a special set of constraints if impact on the site (primarily erosion) is to be minimised. It is an unfortunate coincidence that the sites due for harvesting are found in the areas of highest rainf all, and therefore highest risk, in the country.
Conventional harvesting systems (cable-yarding) partly or fully suspend loads above the ground, and generally have negligible impact or disturbance of the soil surface. However, a new system - which use s an excavator to dig access to wheel based harvesters - is quickly gaining ground and can be seen operating between Hordaland and Nordland. The new system is apparently far cheaper (60-70%) than the conventional system but the soil disturbance and ensui ng erosion seem to be substantial. The situation is such that authorities (Fylkesmenn) currently do not recognise the system and entrepreneurs / Forest owners using this method are not entitled to subsidies that are otherwise used to stimulate activity in the stagnating resource.
This project aims at making a comparative study between the conventional and the new system. This will be separated into an economic analysis and an environmental analysis. The first is done through time and productivity st udies, while the second will be based on monitoring silt loads in run-off waters, where some trials were installed by the candidate already in 2010.
Expected outputs would be an overview of the techical efficiency and productivity of each system, as we ll as an indication of their respective environmental impact based on the erosion monitoring trials. Results will provide the industry and authorities with a useful basis for decison making.