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SIS-MILJO-Strategiske instituttsatsninge

CIENS-SIS: Sustainable Transport - Drivers, Change, Impacts, Policies

Awarded: NOK 1.1 mill.

The overarching objective for CICEROs part of the project has been to analyse the interplay between the network actors participating in the development of bicycle policy, as well as to explore the ways in which this interplay may have affected the implementation of bicycle policy objectives. We have examined whether new forms of governance in the transport sector may contribute to explaining an increased focus on bicycle policy. While there has been an expressed political support for bicycling over a longer time period, as well as expressed increase in support for adaptation for bicycling in the National transport plan (NTP 2014-2023), there has also been a general lack of response to bicycle policy and the bicycle share of daily travel has decreased. We can therefore assert that the bicycle field represents a paradox, with increased political focus on adaptation for bicycling, while at the same time the share of bicycling has decreased. This project has analysed possible explanations that may shed light on why bicycle policy rhetoric and implementation of bicycle policy develop in opposite directions.

Se vedlagte søknad: "CIENS-SIS: Sustainable Transport - Drivers, Change, Impacts, Policies" CICERO sin del skal spesielt se på tema for arbeidspakke 4, hvor de sentrale forskningsspørsmålene er : "We seek to study processes by using critical field studi es within the transport sector. Addressing particularly environmental policy goal conflicts challenges an image of consensual policy processes, as a governance perspective is prone to put forward. Therefore, based on a crucial, critical case - logic, we w ill extract some conflicting policy issues within the transport domain to test the following main research questions: i) how the very policy process (including a broad range of relevant policymakers: politicians, planners, experts, businesses, NGOs and th e general public) actually influences the policy output, the selected priorities in programmes, plans and projects, and ii) how design of these processes might have an impact on the results obtained"

Funding scheme:

SIS-MILJO-Strategiske instituttsatsninge