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IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksling Norge-Tyskland

Wood surface protection by wood modification systems under different climatic conditions

Awarded: NOK 51,190

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, because it is recyclable, CO2-neutral and sustainable. Due to limited biological resistance and UV-stability, the tendency to shrink/swell at alternating moisture conditions, wood has to be protected to ensure the service life expected of the application. Wood modification, a treatment without biocides, has proven to prevent biological degradation, improve dimensional stability and weathering resistance. However, modified wood are affected by UV-light and surf ace mould/stains which causes loss of surface quality and reduction of service life. There is a need for studying these processes and how they can be reduced. The objectives of this joint research are to investigate the behavior of modified wood surfaces under different climatic conditions in mid- and northern Europe on a selection of new wood modification systems. The study is expected to clarify the influence of the different factors affecting the growth of staining fungi on modified wood. These factors can be divided in three main categories; 1) influence of the modification chemical itself, the treatment and the inclusion of the chemicals, 2) influence of the changed material properties of modified wood and 3) influence of climatic factors on colonisa tion and growth of mould and staining fungi on modified wood. The cooperation and exchange of people, materials and results will give extended and better materials and data and therefore better possibilities to understand and model the important relations hips between climate and staining fungi on modified wood. The project will be jointly run at 3 different research providers: University of Göttingen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (NFLI). All have a fundamental background in wood research, however all with different main research topics. Master students, PhD students and young (early) researchers will be involved in all parts of the projects.

Funding scheme:

IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksling Norge-Tyskland