The project is a cooperation between Teknova, DTU Space and Baker Hughes to provide the petroleum industry with a better tool for correcting magnetic surveying of wellbores against magnetic disturbances.
Drilling deviated wells means trying to hit a targ et a few hundred meters in size at a range of up to 10 kilometers, using the best position methods available. The positioning methods in use all have uncertainties, and the industry is constantly trying to reduce the positioning errors in order to improve the reservoir drainage.
The quality of the magnetic surveying depends on a good quality reference magnetic field model for the entire well trajectory, as well as monitoring of the variable components of the earth's geomagnetic field due to external infl uence from the sun. The survey accuracy also depends on compensating for the increasing influence of buried sources of magnetic disturbance in the earth's crust, the so-called crustal anomalies that mainly are located at greater depth than the petroleum r eservoirs.
The current project primarily aims at developing a joint global and local geomagnetic model specially adapted for use during planning and drilling of deviated wells for the petroleum industry. This global model shall incorporate the most rece nt, up-to-date data input, and be of a higher accuracy than the currently used models. Time variations caused by the sun is important for operation in the Arctic. It shall be open for insight from the academic world.
A secondary goal is to implement a se rvice where the paying customers can access a secure website to get access to the desired magnetic correction data in real time, and academic users can freely access the data and models. This service will be built during the project in cooperation with th e end users.
This can be achieved through a recent contact between researchers at Teknova AS and DTU Space in Denmark plus Baker Hughes, with complementary competence and a good potential for cooperation.