The project is set in the field of architectural Theory and History. It is a study in modern Norwegian architecture, focusing on its relationship to landscape, place and natural context. The approach is interdisciplinary, based on Art History, but also st udies in spatial perception and environment.
Historically, the core is in the post-war years (1945-1975). During these years, some crucial questions were raised: How to create a building that gives a satisfactory response both to the environment and to h uman needs? What are the criteria? This is demonstrated by an analysis of architectural thinking in its historical, social and philosophical context. The hypothesis is that Scandinavia, and Norway in particular, offers a series of successful examples in t his perspective. The project confronts the theoretical explanations with a series of concrete case studies.
AHO's Institute of Theory and History is a unique place for this purpose, and is willing to host the project, in collaboration with their research ; the professors have already expressed a vivid interest in it.
The work is a part of the author's PhD research, where he studies the emergence of environmental issues in a broader context of modern architecture. Besides the PhD Thesis itself, the work wi ll result into a series of articles, both in peer-reviewed and popular magazines, and on the internet. Another result will be a commented anthology of texts of Scandinavian architects.
This study should meet a response on the scientific level, giving a ne w challenge to the field of Czech architecture and its theory. Moreover, it also meets an interest among the Czech public, that is strongly attracted by Norwegian culture.