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Children of Rebellion: Socialization of Child Soldiers within African Rebel Groups Mobile researcher: Lotte Vermeij, The Netherlands

Awarded: NOK 94,500

Children of Rebellion combines an in-depth analysis of previous research on child soldiers and rebellion, with innovative data from extensive field research. Focus is on the period when child soldiers are actively engaged within rebel groups. Drawing from hundreds of interviews with former child soldiers and commanders belonging to rebel groups throughout Africa, the project explores the methods which are used to transform children into soldiers and create allegiance within African rebel groups. In additi on, it provides valuable recommendations for the development of sustainable rehabilitation and reintegration initiatives. Inviting Lotte Vermeij for a research stay at NUPI, will allow for the development of her theory on the socialization of child soldie rs. Field research has been finalized and a research stay at NUPI will create the opportunity for discussions about field research results, enable a close cooperation between Ms Vermeij and NUPI researchers, and hereby create the possibility to lift Child ren of Rebellion to a new level and produce joint publications. The invitation strengthens the existing international network between NUPI, its researchers and Ms Vermeij, and in addition creates a new international network between NUPI and Wageningen Uni versity. This is of particular importance as both departments focus on topics such as humanitarian aid and protection of civilians in conflict, state failure, and armed violence. The creation of a new network will lead to exploring collaboration initiativ es, research contributions and other opportunities. The research stay will lead to scientific benefits, as the project findings will result in several (joint) publications by Ms Vermeij and NUPI researchers. Few challenges are expected during the project. It is expected that the cooperation between Ms Vermeij and NUPI researchers will facilitate useful discussions and solutions to potential challenges, and turn possible obstacles into opportunities for improvement.

Funding scheme:
