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Shale-gas system evaluation and organic matter characterisation Mobile researcher: Luigi Gugliotti, Italy

Awarded: NOK 54,000

The purpose of my stay in Norway is to apply the modelling tool OF-Mod (Organic Facies Model) to reconstruct palaeodepositional environments of organic-rich deposits of the Streppenosa and Marne del Monte Serrone formations (Italy). This research will for m part of my Ph.D. project. The OF-Mod programme was developed at SINTEF to simulate the spatial and temporal distribution of organic carbon on a basin scale, and currently exists in a 1D version (for well analysis) and a 3D version (for basin analysis). The modelling work will be aimed especially at the determination of the oxygen conditions during deposition, and at the determination of relative input of different types of organic carbon (marine, terrestrial, residual) in the basins. The application of mathematical modelling will provide added values on my research activity, in order to integrate and constrain my data.

Funding scheme:
