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SAMANSVAR-Ansvarlig innovasjon og bedriftenes samfunnsansvar

Biotechnology in agriculture and aquaculture - effects of intellectual property rights in the food production chain

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.


The aim of the project Biotechnology in agriculture and aquaculture - effects of intellectual property rights in the food production chain is to investigate how intellectual property rights (IPR) and counterbalancing legal systems interact and apply to mo dern biotechnology in the food sector. The project will exploring the area of intellectual property law from a legal and political science perspective in close collaboration with researchers and business. Limited strategic thinking has been done in Norway to seek collaborative solutions about how IPRs may contribute to food production based on biotechnology. This is done by applying a trans-disciplinary approach by integrating analysis of law, political sciences, biology, biotechnology, policy advices cro ss sector between farm animals, aquaculture, forest tree and plants. The application of IPRs have till now been more extensive in the plant sector. The structure of biology, breeding and biotechnology applied to these four sectors is different. Therefore, this project will explore similarities and differences in how policy and law will apply to them respectively. The overall perspective for research in this project is looking at how IPR and balancing legal systems may or may not be conducive to sustaina bility, food security, innovation and global justice, as described in the call for proposals. The research group is large and diverse in order to bring together different competence, perspectives and countries. This will provide support for development of business practices for FUGE projects, for Norway in making policies and contribute to a better undertanding of IPRs and biotechnology in food production globally.

Funding scheme:

SAMANSVAR-Ansvarlig innovasjon og bedriftenes samfunnsansvar