As part of the EU projects DAMOLCES (2005-2010) and ACOBAR (2008-2013) two major acoustic experiments were carried out in the Fram Strait. The aim was to provide accurate measurements of acoustic travel times over 100-300 kilometer sections for inversion and assimilation into ice-ocean models. The acoustic travel time depends on ocean temperature, and to a smaller extent to pressure, salinity, and current., and are inverted to depth averaged temperature (and current) over large distances at a accuracy of 50 milli degrees Celcius. The ultimate use of the data will be to assimilate the data into ice.-ocean models. Neither, inversion and assimilation are trivial and requires in depth knowledge to fundamental arctic acoustics, inversion techniques, ice- ocean modeling and assimilation. This is established in the long term collaboration between NERSC and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
The aim of the proposed ACOBAR II is to facilitate for continued collaboration between and Nansen Environmental a nd Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). This will result in a significant transfer of knowledge within acoustic data analysis, and traditional acoustic inversions from SIO to NERSC.
The collaboration will be impleme nted through mutual visits at the two institutions of key personnel within acoustics, oceanography, and ice-ocean modelling. The visits are work intensive periods with clearly defined goals of analysis and publications. The expected outcome is analysis an d publication of results from the acoustic experiments in the Fram Strait under the ACOBAR project.