During the past decade, the results of several studies have suggested that the protein composition of seminal plasma is important in protection of fish spermatozoa during their storage in the reproductive system, as well as in maintaining sperm viability. However, there is a lack of information about protein composition of seminal plasma during the different phases of reproductive period. Therefore, we will perform comparative study to investigate the possible effects of spawning on protein fractions of s eminal plasma. Additionally, antioxidant system in seminal plasma and sperm motility parameters over the reproductive season will be evaluated. Four important aquaculture fish species: Atlantic salmon, Atlantic cod, Atlantic halibut and common carp, repre senting distant phylogenetic standing, will be studied to obtain comparative information. We hypothesize that comparative study on seminal plasma proteins in phylogenetically distant teleosts will help in revealing the possible functions of these proteins in sperm of freshwater and marine fish species and, consequently, will result in improvement of the broodstock management and optimization of protocols for artificial reproduction in these species.
Both institutions, University of Nordland and Universi ty of South Bohemia, have a proven track of research and education within aquaculture in general and within fish reproductive biology in particular. The added value of this project is in collaborative development of knowledge and ideas relevant for Europe an and world aquaculture. The young researcher coming from Czech Republic will have opportunity to gain experience from Norway, a world's leader in aquaculture, on research, structure and organization.