The primary tasks of this pilot exercise can be described in the following items - where "international surveys" is shorthand for data collection that varies greatly in scope, focus, design, etc.:
Determining the relevance to a Survey of International So cial Surveys of international social science data initiatives - such as the OECD's Global Science Forum's work on Data and Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences; the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technolog y (; and the Research Data Alliance ( - and producing a short overview of these.
Carrying out a first review of publications and key documents on international surveys and making them available in a bi bliography.
Defining and discussing criteria for inclusion and exclusion of relevant international surveys to be surveyed.
Contacting and collaborating with relevant organizers of those relevant surveys identified.
Surveying these surveys in accordanc e with a standardized set of variables, among which are included:
" The name of the survey
" The entity that has organized the survey and is responsible for data collection - as well as key data on the entity's membership, governance arrangements, source of funding, etc.
" A historical sketch of the initiation and origin of the survey
" A description of the survey's content, i.e. both focused rotational and/ or core modules of the survey; with particular attention to establishing the degree of coverage of issues of sustainability (including global environmental change, growth, poverty and inequality) that comprise priority areas for the ISSC, including its 2015 World Social Science Forum
" An outline of the type of sample used
" An outline of the main da ta collection methods employed
" An explanation of the frequency or repetitions of the survey
" An account of the availability of the data to researchers, restrictions on access etc.
" A list of internet links to the websites of the responsible organizati on and/or the survey results
" A description of other relevant dimensions of interest than those mentioned above
" An analytical summary of major findings and identification of lacunas in knowledge, as well as opportunities which appear from the review
P resenting the results in a uniform format and, after review and discussion, publishing them on the ISSC´s website.