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NORRUSS-Nordområdene og Russland

Environmental Management of Petroleum activities in the Barents Sea: Norwegian-Russian collaboration (EMAP)

Alternative title: Miljøforvaltning av Petroleumsvirksomheten i Barentshavet: Norsk-russisk samarbeid (EMAP)

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Number:


Application Type:

Project Period:

2014 - 2017

Funding received from:

Partner countries:

As oil and gas explorations spread into the Arctic there is a pronounced need for a common approach to environmental monitoring. Nowhere is this clearer than in the Barents Sea where international consortia are developing Norwegian and Russian petroleum r esources. This project will take advantage of strong bilateral cooperation between Russia and Norway, and the environmental professional expertise that exists on both sides of the border developed over decades of scientific exploration of the Barents Sea. In doing so, we will address our two main objectives: 1. harmonizing monitoring targets and procedures, and 2. exchange of expertise among Russian and Norwegian research institutes. Leading institutions with strong records of collaboration will use educ ational and training exchanges to arrive at a common knowledge base in the three main areas of offshore environmental monitoring: hydrocarbon geochemistry, seafloor biotic communities, and effects of water-borne contaminants on marine organisms. We will d evelop a common database of hydrocarbon concentrations and composition and an understanding of hydrocarbon characteristics for identifying origins and contamination source. We will resolve taxonomic discrepancies in key faunal groups, and test existing an d new biotic indices useful for assessing impacts on biotic communities. We will also test innovative biosensor technology to identify pollution thresholds on marine species. These efforts, combined with educational exchanges and joint student-supervisio n, will further enhance institutional and scientific collaborations that will extend far beyond the lifetime of this project.

As oil and gas explorations spread into the Arctic there is a pronounced need for a common approach to environmental monitoring. Nowhere is this more clear than in the Barents Sea where international consortia are developing Norwegian and Russian petroleu m resources. We propose to take advantage of strong environmental-industrial cooperation in the development of environmental monitoring strategies in the Norwegian sector, a proven history of bilateral management efforts between Russia and Norway, and env ironmental expertise on both sides of the border developed over decades of scientific exploration of the Barents Sea. In doing so we will reach our main objective of harmonizing monitoring standards and methodologies, and exchange of expertise among Russi an and Norwegian research institutes. Leading institutions with strong records of collaboration will use educational and training exchanges to arrive at a common knowledge base in the three main areas of offshore environmental monitoring: hydrocarbon geoc hemistry, seafloor biotic communities, and effects of water-borne contaminants on marine organisms. We will resolve taxonomic discrepancies in key faunal groups, and test existing and new biotic indices useful for assessing impacts on biotic communities. We will develop a common database of hydrocarbon concentrations and composition and an understanding of PAH signatures for origins and contamination source. We will also test innovative biosensor technology to identify pollution thresholds on marine speci es. These efforts, combined with educational exchanges and joint student supervision, will further enhance institutional and scientific collaborations that will extend far beyond the lifetime of this project.

Funding scheme:

NORRUSS-Nordområdene og Russland