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Resistenskilder, resistensmekanismer og seleksjonsmetoder mot Fusarium og mykotoksiner i havre

Awarded: NOK 6.2 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2018

Funding received from:



Partner countries:

The main objective of the RESIFUS project is to obtain new oat cultivars with improved resistance to the Fusarium graminearum. Artificial fusarium inoculation in fields to prove safe and large enough differences in resistance is vital, and this requires large resources. Searching for resistance is related to this and requires testing of extensive materials. Fusarium graminearum causes damage both through the production of mycotoxins (DON) and damage to crop and germination. Both germination data and fungal data are thus necessary. Both are costly analyzes, and in a breeding program it is therefore necessary to find quick methods for testing. NIR is a quick and easy-to-use method, but the relationship must be good, and calibrations must be made with real values as a basis. Resistance to Fusarium and DON is now heavily weighted in the approval of varieties for the Norwegian market. An important interim objective of the project is to build a HAVREBASE to be used in further genetic mapping work, primarily in fusarium resistance studies, but also as a base for other properties. This is now in place and consists of 225 oats / lines. HAVREBASE has been genotyped by the available CORE Illumina 6k Chip (2627 usable SNPs), and some association mapping with phenotype data has been made. The infection method for establishing fusarium epidemics in the outdoor fields (Vollebekk and Stange) has obtained much data on the degree of fusarium resistance in a large oat collection. All cultivars / lines in official testing in S and N and a lot of breeding material has been tested. This has made important contributions to the insight into the resistance situation in the Nordic countries and to the selection of varieties for registration in official testing and for approval of cultivars. Thus, several cultivars have been approved based on the results of the project. In addition, one has tested a lot of young material and crossing offspring from potentially promising sources. Methods of selection under strong infection pressure have been evaluated and new potential sources from this material are undergoing further examination and testing. Development of rapid methods for insight into the mycotoxin situation in grain samples is a very important theme for breeding, both because of the price capacity and time aspect of the analyzes. It is based on previous work on NIR methods for mycotoxin determination, as well as testing / further development of Elisa technology at the same time. NIR calibration for DON and germination has been completed. NIR for DON, sometimes showing satisfactory results, but also great effects of place and year. Low average values (below 5 ppm) of DON give poor predictions. NIR calibration for germination has yielded significantly more promising results. Elisa as a fast method is precise (good reproducibility), but the accuracy over 5 ppm is questionable. Calibration work with NIT scan against hull content percentage is completed and the result is satisfactory (r = 0.7) and will be a valuable contribution in selection work on young breeding materials. Implementation of the model in NIT equipment remains. An important prerequisite for obtaining results from DON, germination, NIR and Elisa is the artificial field infection, and such fields are very expensive to operate. It is therefore a goal that one gradually gets genetic information and genetic tools to pick up resistance without field testing. The complexity of fusarium fungi and the equivalent of genetic resistance in oats indicates that single genetic resistance is incomplete, but can make important contributions. Passive resistance including pollen extrusion can be a part of this, and further work is being done to demonstrate such a connection. The Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is suitable for single genetic / simple inheritance, but with many genes involved this is insufficient. Work Package 3 in the project has laid the foundation for further work with Genomic Selection (GS). A new Nordic oats SNP chip will be able to improve the precision of this purpose. It is now underway a business PhD to take GS further on. The RESIFUS project has had a significant role as the premier supplier and the basis for several national and Nordic projects.

Havre har stor plass i det norske landbruket, og representerer ca 25 prosent av all korndyrkinga i landet. Verdien av havre både som fôr og direkte til menneskeføde er stor, og som mat er havren særlig verdifull gjennom sin gode diettiske virkning og bred t sammensatte næringsstoffer. Havre er en robust kornart som tåler variasjon i næringstilgang, struktur og pH, og den er svært verdifull forgrøde for hvete. Fusarium i havre skaper mykotoksiner i kornet til skade for mennesker og dyr og reduserer spireev nen som såkorn. Det overordnede målet er på kortest mulig tid å framskaffe havresort(er) med god resistens mot Fusarium og mykotoksiner (soppgifter). I motsetning til i hvete og bygg finnes ikke kjente effektive resistensgen mot fusarium og mykotoksiner i havre, og vi har begrenset forståelse av de prosesser som fører til angrep og resistens. Graminors initiativ for dette fellesprosjektet er å komme videre i dette søket. -Oppbygging av kjernesamling ('havrebase') og utføre systematiske søk etter bedre re sistenskilder mot fusarium i materialer innen og utenfor den aktuelle nordiske genpoolen -Implementere NIR analyser som seleksjonsgrunnlag for mykotoksinresistens ved å ta i bruk kalibreringer som er utviklet i pågående prosjekt. -Utnytte tilegnet kunnsk ap om fenotyping og genetisk informasjon og verktøy med tanke på presisjonsforedling med DNA-baserte metoder. Forskningsoppgavene: 1. Koordinere og søke etter resistens. Her er oppgavene å systematisere informasjon, søke i kjente og ukjente samlinger og v elge ut kandidater til en kjernesamling for videre kartlegging. 2.Videreutvikle og ta i bruk hurtigmetoder for DON. Utprøvinger og videreutvikle kalibreringer for NIR. 3. Genotyping og molekylært markør-arbeid for å etablere en plattform for genomisk sele ksjon. Arbeid med utvikling hurtigmetoder til bruk i foredlingsarbeidet. Deltakere: Graminor (GN), Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap (UMB), Lantmännen Lantbruk (LSW), Felleskjøpet Agri (FKA) og Strand Unikorn

Funding scheme:
