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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Systemflomvern 2020

Alternative title: Flood Protection System 2020

Awarded: NOK 6.8 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2017

Funding received from:


Partner countries:

Climate changes lead to more extreme weather and the risk of flood events will also increase significantly in many countries. Meanwhile risk planning and response for flooding is far from the levels e.g. found for fires, for which the hazard is combated through an own fire department and strict regulations regarding fire proofing and smoke alarms in all commercial and residential buildings. Even so, studies show that flooding is the most expensive of all natural hazards (The Rising Risks Of Flood, 2016, FM Global) AquaFence is today market leader for mobile flood protection in many parts of the world with their products. Their products have been sold in Australia, Asia, Europa and the USA with very good performance and feedback from customers. The market potential is much bigger than what is currently surfaced. This is a result of very unclear accountability and lack of focus on preventive measure in most parts of the world. However, we are now seeing in the USA and parts of Europe that preventive measures are taken. The engineers are getting a stronger role in finding and designing the best solutions for the clients, and it is increasingly important to offer high technical competence as well as technical documentations on safety margins, etc. to satisfy engineers and architects reporting requirements. For this purpose, has Aquafence developed a mathematical model together with a leading engineering company. This model has a user interface where input parameters can be set to generate technical output data relevant product performance, installation and reporting in relations to building codes. We also observe that clients are increasingly aware that one should not only look at acquisition cost, but also the operational costs of owning and operating the flood mitigation systems. Like fire drills, there must also be regular drills for flood response. Beyond this, we are also working to establish a CAE-based interface system for visualizing how Systemflomvern 2020 can be used and fit into the flood site. This can be especially useful to avoid conflict with public traffic on potential streets, sidewalks, etc. surrounding the flood site. A CAE-based interface will also be beneficial for engineers in Aquafence. Aquafence is selling flood protection all around the world, but the major part of technical know-how is located in Norway, often far away from the clients? flood site. With a CAE-based interface system we can streamline the cooperation and communication between technicians and sales personnel, through a more visual and effective exchange of information. Authorities are also under increased pressure, in particular from the citizens who are fed up of being flooded and having to wait a long time for help and some compensation. One factor holding back the action here are the short election periods of the politicians, postponing such decision until after the next election, although we have seen in the local elections in England that flood mitigation actions are used as political arguments for being elected. While public sector and business developers must become more proactive and pragmatic in flood mitigation, individuals can also take matters into own hands with consumer products becoming available through flexible and cost-efficient flood mitigation products. Acquisition of these may become critical for small businesses and families in areas where governmental mitigation efforts are lacking or absent. This will become increasingly relevant when insurance companies begins increasing premiums in response to the growing flood challenges. For AquaFence to continue to be the market leader, be profitable and competitive internationally, it is necessary with product and process innovation. This will require significant R&D in several fields. AquaFence has therefore decided to meet this challenge by developing an entirely new module-based product architecture. The company will become a total solution provider of mobile flood protection in a knowledge-based delivery environment. This will also allow AquaFence to be a serious contender in related fields like mob ile land based fish farming facilities, mobile water pools for managing contaminated water, channeling water away from construction sites, as well as being an alternative to traditional sheet piling. The key R&D challenges to reach the overall goalss are; Develop a flexible product platform with new design allowing for faster and cheaper production methods. Establish the best total solutions through a standardized product architecture using Knowledge-Based-Development methods. Integrate the initial site review and solution development with the manufacturing processes using CAE based interface for visualizing how the Systemflomvern 2020 will integrate with the customer requirements. For the development of smarter, lighter and manufacturing friendly solution, we will be using the method Design Requir ement Matrix developed under the SFI Norman, in

Klimaendringene bidrar til mer ekstremvær og en rask økning av flomtilfeller i mange land. AquaFence er i dag markedsleder i store deler av verden med sitt mobile flomvern. Produktene selges til kunder i Australia, Asia, Europa og USA med svært gode tilba kemeldinger. Markedspotensialet er imidlertid mye større en dagens fordi ansvarliggjøring og preventiv tankegang knyttet til flomsikring har vært lite utviklet i mange land. For at AquaFence i fremtiden fortsatt skal kunne levere det beste mobile flomvern med lønnsomhet og være konkurransedyktig internasjonalt, er det nødvendig med betydelig produkt- og prosessinnovasjon. AquaFence har derfor besluttet å møte utfordringen ved å utvikle en helt ny fremtidsrettet modulbasert produktarkitektur, hvor AquaFenc e er en totalleverandør av monteringsvennlige mobile flomvern for de fleste anvendelser og flomlignende situasjoner og integrere dette i en kunnskapsbasert leveranse. Vi vil også kunne møte andre områder som fortsatt søker fleksible løsninger som landbase rte oppdrettsanlegg, mobile basseng for håndtering av infisert vann, samt som alternativ i byggeprosjekter til tradisjonell spunting. De sentrale FoU-utfordringene for å nå frem til hovedmålet er følgende: Utvikling av produktplattform for Systemflomvern, samt konstruktiv utforming av systemkomponentene og tilhørende produksjonsmetoder. A etablere de beste helhetlige løsningene gjennom en standardisert produktarkitektur er en komplisert oppgave, og vi vil derfor bygge på de metoder som har blitt tatt fra m i BIP prosjektet Knowledge-Based Development Utvikling av smartere, lettere og mer produksjonsvennlige løsninger. Vi vil her blant annet bruke en metodikk (Design Requirement Matrix) utviklet i SFI Norman. Øke kvalitet gjennom bedre toleranser, økt leve tid og færre feil som skaper ekstraarbeid. Etablere et CAE-basert interface system for visualisering av hvordan Systemflomvern 2020 kan brukes og passe inn i omgivelsene forøvrig.

Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena