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PETROMAKS2-Stort program petroleum

Development of functional cold weather protection for workers in the Arctic

Alternative title: Arctic Protection

Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2017


The innovation project Arctic Protection run from Q1 2014 to Q1 2017, and is now finalised. Project partners included Wenaas Workwear (project management), SINTEF (R&D management), Statoil and Eni Norge. A multilayer workwear system was developed, which includes a range of garments designed to enable the workers to operate both efficiently and thermally comfortable in temperatures ranging from 0 °C to -30 °C (WCT), and which can be adjusted according to different work intensities, ambient conditions and individual preferences. The workwear system includes wool base layers, two types of wool-based mid-layers and three outer layer garments, including a weatherproof GORE-TEX PYRAD outer shell. An Arctic balaclava and two different work gloves have been developed as well. Wenaas Workwear is bringing the new workwear to market during spring 2017. The activities of the Norwegian petroleum industry are moving north into Arctic areas. Year-round activity in these areas involves more challenging climatic conditions. The main objective of the Arctic Protection project was to develop new workwear and personal protective equipment (PPE) for petroleum workers operating in Arctic areas, to ensure that the personnel can execute their work in a safe and efficient manner in these cold and demanding conditions. The project focused on developing workwear optimised for petroleum workers operating in the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea, and the ambient conditions and exposures related to year-round operation in this region. The project has followed a user-centered design process, where the needs and preferences of the users have been given extensive attention at each stage of the design process. Petroleum workers have been involved in establishing user insights, in concept development and in design evaluations. The concept development was driven and refined by user-centered evaluation (field testing). Garment prototypes were produced for testing during the winters of 2014/15 and 2015/16. Real world field testing by target users were conducted to test the validity of the design assumptions, and to establish knowledge of the user's experiences with the new designs. The designs have been refined based on the user's feedback. The initial mapping of the user's needs and preferences documented that workers experience challenges related to adequate weather protection (wind and moisture), efficient temperature regulation and thermal comfort (especially stationary work). It was identified a need for light workwear for the active worker suitable when exposed to considerable wind and moisture, including adjustable level of insulation to avoid overheating during high intensity work, and insulated garments for temporary low intensity work. The final field test documented a high degree of user satisfaction, which indicates that the new garments have attractive, relevant and practical functionality and performance. In addition, several studies have been conducted in the SINTEF Work Physiology Laboratory during the project to evaluate and document thermal responses and clothing properties, and to provide knowledge input to the concept development. These studies have documented the positive thermal effect of using windproof workwear compared to traditional air-permeable cotton coveralls. The thermal properties of the 4-layer Arctic Protection workwear setup has been tested in conditions of -25°C (WCT). ISO 11079 recommends a duration of exposure of maximum 30 minutes in these ambient conditions. The Arctic Protection workwear maintained thermal comfort within acceptable limits for a minimum of 60 minutes during normal work.

Dette prosjektet vil utvikle ny helhetlig arbeidsbekledning for petroleumsarbeidere i nordområdene, ved å anvende ny kunnskap fra NFR-prosjektet ColdWear. ColdWear har vist at dagens arbeidsbekledning ikke har god nok termisk beskyttelse og ikke tilfredss tiller kravene for å opprettholde manuell yteevne i kulde. Mannskapene sliter i dag med tilstrekkelig termisk beskyttelse av spesielt hode og hender. Den nye arbeidsbekledningen vil ha nye løsninger mht. a) termisk beskyttelse og temperaturregulering, b) manuell yteevne, c) funksjonalitet og komfort og d) totalbeskyttelse, for å sikre at arbeiderne kan arbeide under de krevende klimaforhold i Arktisk på en sikker og effektiv måte. Bekledningen vil dermed bidra til å forebygge ulykker og arbeidsbetinget s ykdom og skade. En sentral FoU utfordring blir å dokumentere forbedringene. Innovasjonen vil realiseres gjennom et samarbeid mellom Kwintet Norge (produsent av arbeidsbekledning), SINTEF (utvikler av forskningsbaserte løsninger)og Statoil(representant for brukerbehov). Prosjektet vil ha en brukersentrert innovasjonstilnærming, basert på relevant forskningsmetodikk, og bygge på erfaringer fra tidligere gjennomførte prosjekter. SmartWear-gruppen i SINTEF har lang erfaring med utvikling av beskyttelsesbekled ning for risikoutsatte yrkesgrupper i kaldt klima. Tverrfaglig samarbeid, systematiske iterasjoner med utvikling, evaluering og forbedring, og fokus på helhetlige egenskaper vil være sentralt i gjennomføringen av innovasjonsprosjektet.Resultatet av prosje ktet vil styrke Kwintet Norge sin merkevare Wenaas,og befeste markedsposisjonen som ledende leverandør av innovativ arbeidsbekledning for petroleumsindustrien. Det anslås kort vei fram til realisering av innovasjonen. Fra endelig prototype er ferdig teste t anslås, en leveringstid av ferdig produkt på 6-8 måneder. Potensialet for at de nye løsningene kan overføres til bekledningsprodukter rettet mot andre yrkesgrupper med lignende utfordringer ansees som betydelig

Funding scheme:

PETROMAKS2-Stort program petroleum