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GRUNNLOV-Grunnlovsjubileet 2014


Alternative title: Fransk-nordisk konferanse Paris 3.-5. noveber 2014

Awarded: NOK 90,938

The symposium will unite Nordic and French historians discussing themes of common interest in Nordic history, ranging from the medieaval kingship to present-day "Nordic model". The main focus of the conference will be on the transition from autocratic rul e to constitutional rule and democracy, from the 18th to the 19th centuries, with special emphasis on the events in Norway and Scandinavia around 1814 and the Norwegian Constitution of 1814. It will be an opportunity for presenting recent research on 1814 and the Constitution to a French scientific community. In cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Norwegian and Swedish clubs in Paris there will also be organized a session aiming at a wider audience, with (at least) 2 lectures (in French) presenting the events of 1814 and the Norwegian Constitution - and the ensuing union with Sweden - to a wider audience in the French capital.

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the Norwegian-Swedish personal union in 1814 and of the (modified) Norwegian constitution of 4 November 1814, and in the framework of the cooperative agreement between Université de Toulouse 2 le Mirail (UFR d'Histoir e) and the University of Oslo (IAKH), a symposium is organized in Paris 3.-5. November 2014. Organization and programme committee consists of Professors Kristine Bruland and John Peter Collett, University of Oslo, Associate Professor Kai Østberg, Telemar k College, Professor Maurice Carrez, Université de Strasbourg, and Professor Jean-Marc Olivier, Université de Toulouse 2 Le Mirail. Substantial parts of the programme are devoted to the transition from autocratic rule to constitutional and democratic rul e, with special emphasis on the Norwegian constitution of 1814, but these questions will be treated in international context, both comparatively to the larger Scandinavian picture, but also from a French-Scandinavian angle. ?The French model? was of pivot al importance both for the autocratic rule of 17th and 18th century Scandinavia, and for the subsequent development of constitutional rule and the development towards modern democracy. Other parts of the symposium will focus on the importance of 'the Nor dic model' in the way that this model became relevant to French society and politics and there will also be a discussion of the current state of research in Nordic history: Does there exist anything such as a Nordic model, and how can it be understood?

Funding scheme:

GRUNNLOV-Grunnlovsjubileet 2014

Funding Sources