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CLIMIT-Forskning, utvikling og demo av CO2-håndtering

Bellona og SINTEFs påvirkningarbeid innen EUs teknologiplattform for CO2-fangst og -lagring (ZEP)

Awarded: NOK 0.95 mill.

The ZEP is a coalition of stakeholders that serves as advisor to the European Commission on the research, demonstration and deployment of CCS. Bellona and SINTEF hold two of five positions as vice presidents of the ZEP. The objective of the project was for SINTEF and Bellona to actively contribute as advisors to the European commission, through the positions as vice presidents and through other engagements in the ZEP. The work also included feedback under the EU research framework and recommendations for the EU climate and energy policy during the coming decades, where CCS is expected to play a significant role. Recommendations for incentives for CCS deployment was and is one of the priorities in the Bellona and SINTEF in their work towards the EU institutions. SINTEF, together with TNO, lead the ZEP Network Technology (NWT), which coordinates working groups that write advisory reports on different CCS-related topics. During the project period, SINTEF contributed in the WG Future CCS technologies and a WG that described the potential for hydrogen production from natural gas with CO2 capture. This last work cumulated into the ZEP report "Commercial Scale Feasibility of Clean Hydrogen", which was written by SINTEF, Air Liquide, Shell and GCCSI. The work was presented during the TCCS 9 conference, and was well received. SINTEF's Nils R. Røkke was Deputy Co-Chair in SET TWG during the project period. Ha also lead the reorganization of ZEP from an ETP (Energy Technology Platform) to an ETIP (Energy Technology and Innovation Platform). This also included to integrate EERA into ZEP, in addition to other industrial actors in Europa, as the cement industry. SINTEF played a leading role during spring 2016, when ZEP provided feedback to the European Commission on the Issue Paper no 9 on the future of CCS in the EU. All in all, the project has given SINTEF the opportunity to contribute to leading an important work for the CCS research and field in Europe, for promoting CCS generally, and Norwegian research interests within the field specifically.

Bellona og SINTEF søker om støtte til påvirkningsarbedet i ZEPs arbeidsgrupper, og særlig vervene som visepresident for hhv. ZEPs NGOer og forskningsorganisasjoner. Vervene holdes av Frederic Hauge, Faglig leder i Bellona, og Dr. Nils A. Røkke, Klimadirek tør i SINTEF.

Funding scheme:

CLIMIT-Forskning, utvikling og demo av CO2-håndtering