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GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksinasjonsforskn.

Global health day 2014 - Health system research and violence against women

Awarded: NOK 99,999

The faculty of medicine at NTNU applies for financial support for an annual regional event called: The Global Health Day. As an annual event in Mid-Norway we arrange the global health day for researchers, staff and students to meet and develop interestin g research issues. The intention of the annual Global Health Days in Trondheim is to facilitate international research collaborations. We have always invited international well-known researchers for lectures and networking. The experience from previous Global Health Days is, that this is a successful way of establish links between researchers in Trondheim and other research environments. The annual Global Health Days at NTNU are in collaboration with Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag (HiST) and St. Olavs Hosp ital with the aim of increasing knowledge, awareness and understanding of health issues internationally and to contribute to improve global health in other contexts. Additionally to prepare to meet rare diseases in the Norwegian society, appearing more fr equent as the world is getting more globalized. This years Global Health Day, planned in October 2014, will cover themes currently relevant in the international research society and contribute to Norwegian policies in global health. Thematic areas 1)Hea lth care system in low- and middle income countries. 2)Violence against women The event will end with networking for researchers and time for development of new research projects.

Funding scheme:

GLOBVAC-Global helse- og vaksinasjonsforskn.