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SFI-Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon

CASA - Centre for Advanced Structural Analysis

Alternative title: CASA - Senter for avanserte konstruksjonsanalyser

Awarded: NOK 96.0 mill.

The Centre has been an attractive scientific work environment where fundamental knowledge was created through multidisciplinary theoretical, numerical and experimental research on different scales. Interdisciplinary research beyond the state-of-the-art has been coupled with the transfer of knowledge and technology to key business sectors: oil and gas, physical security and transportation. CASA has developed and validated computational tools for innovation together with and for partners in the oil and gas industry (Equinor and DNV), the transportation industry (Hydro, Benteler, Audi, BMW, Honda, Renault and Norwegian Public Roads Administration) and in industrial and public enterprises working with physical security (Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and Modernisation, Multiconsult, Norwegian Security Authority and Norwegian Defence Estates Agency). NTNU has been the host institution. SIMLab at the Department of Structural Engineering has been the leading research group. Sintef Industry has been research partner. Cooperating units have been the Department of Physics and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NTNU. Discussions with the partners revealed that more extensive use of advanced numerical simulations would improve their competiveness in making cost-effective, safe and environmentally friendly structures and products. These industrial needs formed the basis for five Basic research areas where multi- and interdisciplinary research on different physical scales was conducted. This research encompassed the behaviour and modelling of Structures, Structural Joints, Metallic Materials, Polymeric Materials and of materials at Lower Scale. The main goal of the research was always the final structure or product. The research in the Centre has so far resulted in 165 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 150 conference contributions and 25 invited/keynote lectures. We established an Industrial Reference Group (IRG) with experts from the partners to strengthen the implementation of the technology developed in the Centre. The IRG had regular meetings, and, according to the defined mandate, presented a report to the SFI CASA Board once a year. The report adressed how implementation was to be carried out and how research and commercial cooperation would be initiated between the industrial partners. Credible numerical simulations have relevance and benefit for the public sector, industry or civil society viewed in regional, national or global contexts. The motivation for other segments of the Norwegian business sector using numerical simulations is the same as for the present user partners. The opportunity to optimize processes and products using credible numerical simulations improve industrial competitiveness internationally. Products of higher quality and excess value can compensate for the high Norwegian cost level and in turn secure and support the Norwegian labour market. 26 PhD candidates were educated in the Centre. Of them 16 have had salary and operational costs covered by the Centre. 10 candidates have had operational costs from the Centre only and salary from other sources. One of the students was financed and employed by BMW, and thus spent half of the time at the BMW research Centre in Munich. Renault financed one candidate, who spent 50 percent of her time at the manufacturers research centre in Guyancourt, France. 157 master’s students have written their theses on topics closely related to the research in the Centre. With respect to teaching, the research team has taught courses relevant to the Centre at master’s and PhD levels. The centre had four international industrial partners. In addition, the international research cooperation has been attended through the research group’s strong visibility in publications in well-known peer-reviewed journals, well noted h-indexes on key personnel. Professor Magnus Langseth is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Impact Engineering, whereas Professor Tore Børvik is an associate editor in the same journal. Professor Odd Sture Hopperstad is an associate editor of the European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids. The international research position of the Centre has attracted several visiting researchers. In addition, Centre staff members, PhD candidates and post docs have longer and shorter stays abroad. A centre with long-term funding coupled with a close cooperation between a strong research group and industry makes it possible to simultaneously carry out research at a high international level and facilitate innovation and value creation. This amounts to a major research and development effort that can only be achieved within the framework of a centre. The close links between academia and industry fostered by the centre generates enthusiasm and spurs creativity, and further enforces a common view on best practice for implementing new and innovative research for the user partners.

Forskningen i senteret har så langt resultert i 165 publikasjoner i fagfellevurderte tidsskrifter, 150 konferansebidrag og 25 inviterte/keynote-foredrag. MERITTLISTEN VÅR: • Virtuelt laboratorium for design av metalliske konstruksjoner • Flerskala modelleringsrammeverk for konstruksjonsmessige forbindelser. • Probabilistisk styrkeprediksjonsmodell for float- og laminert glass • Regulariseringsskjema for skallelement med modellering av svikt i metaller • Eksperimentelle teknikker for karakterisering av polymerer over et bredt spekter av temperaturer og tøyningshastigheter • Enkel modell for fiberarmerte polymerer • Dypere forståelse av mekanismer for korngrensedeformasjon på nanoskala. • Eksperimentelle studier som viser at lavkarbon betong har like stor gjennomtrengningsmotstand som normalbetong. • Etablering av spinoff-selskapet Enodo As i 2018 Pålitelige numeriske simuleringer har også relevans og nytte for offentlig sektor, industri eller sivilsamfunn enten vi ser det i regionale, nasjonale eller globale sammenhenger. Norsk næringslivs motivasjon for å ta slike verktøy i bruk, vil være den samme som senterets brukerpartnere. EKSEMPLER PÅ MULIGE ANDRE BRUKSOMRÅDER: • fornybar energi (design av vindturbiner utsatt for vind og bølger) • fiskeoppdrett/akvakultur (design av nye og innovative merder) • forsvarsindustri, mekanisk/produksjonsindustri (stempling, smiing, sintring og sveising) • elektronikk (støt- og støtdemping ) • konstruksjonsteknikk (senk- og flytebroer, jordskjelvsikkerhet, design av aluminium-, stål- og betongkonstruksjoner) • sikker transport til sjøs (sammenstøt mellom skip og is, grunnstøting). SFI CASA har utdannet 26 PhD-kandidater. Av disse har 16 fått dekket lønns- og driftskostnader av senteret. 10 kandidater har kun medført driftskostnader for senteret mens lønn er kommet fra andre kilder. En av disse var ansatt i BMW og tilbragte halvparten av tiden ved bilfabrikantens forskningssenter i München. 157 Masterstudenter har skrevet oppgaver med tema nært knyttet til forskningen i CASA. Forskerteamet har undervist kurs som er relevante for senteret på master- og ph.d.-nivå.

An SFI Centre (CASA) is proposed on multi-scale testing, modelling and simulation of materials and structures for industrial applications. The research within the centre will be multi- and interdisciplinary and aims at creating a platform for credible numerical simulations of products and structures for innovation and value creation in the transportation industry, the oil and gas industry, and the industry and public enterprises working with physical security. The research is intended to cover Metal structures, Polymer structures, Protective structures and Structural joints. In addition to research at an international top level with publications of papers in peer reviewed journals, technology transfer to the partners will be emphasized and linked to a strategy for making the Centre a forum for exchange of knowledge between business sectors. The Centre will have an efficient management structure ensuring that the success criteria are fulfilled. The research teams strong research position will be used to create complementary international research cooperation. Two female professors will be members of the core team and also have roles as programme and project leaders; thus to motivate for women fellowship holders. The Centre will graduate 20 PhD candidates and provide post-doctoral training for at least 5 researchers. The aim is to recruit about 30% female PhD candidates and graduate 100-150 masters students. The user partners in the Centre, each representing one or more of the defined business sectors, are Aker Solutions, Audi, Benteler Aluminium Systems, BMW, DNV-GL, Gassco, Ministry of Local Government and Modernization, Honda R&D Americas, Hydro, Norwegian National Security Authority, Norwegian Defence Estates Agency, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Sapa, SSAB, Statoil and Toyota Motor Europe.

Publications from Cristin

Funding scheme:

SFI-Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon