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SEMINAR: A Macro-regional Europe in the Making? Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence

Awarded: NOK 50,000

The proposed authors? workshop seeks to put the final touches upon the contributions to an edited volume focussing on the emergence of macro-regional strategies in EU. Macro-regional strategies of are a relatively new feature of the EU?s toolbox to foster territorial coherence, one of the core objectives of the EU since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009. In a nutshell, macro-regional strategies aim at developing space-based 'integrated frameworks' for collective action with a view to im proving functional cooperation in areas such as the transport infrastructure, economic development and protection of the environment. The proposed workshop builds on the outcome of an exploratory workshop at the University of Agder (UiA), funded by E.ON. , the Jean Monnet project of the European Commission (2010-13) and UiA in December 2012, as well as a second workshop organized by the University of Potsdam in June 2013. Both helped to chart the current state-of-affairs of macro-regions in the European U nion and the implications triggered by macro-regional strategies in terms of vertical and horizontal interaction across the EU, member and partner countries as well as subnational authorities and civil society. Being affected by the EU?s Strategy for the Sea Region, these developments in territorial cooperation are of great importance to both Germany and Norway. The purpose of this workshop, which lines up leading scholars as well as early career researchers in the fields of public administration, enviro nmental studies, political science and geography and public administration, is threefold: first and foremost to discuss the final drafts that will be submitted to a renowned publishing house, most likely Palgrave (in preparation); second to assess the fin al conclusions to be drawn from a comprehensive comparison of conditions and mechanism of macro-regionalisation in Europe. Finally, the closing workshop shall also be used to discuss future collaboration.

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