The relationship between China and Norway is strained. Science Diplomacy offers the opportunities needed to maintain a dialogue and thereby re-establish our good and long-standing relationships with China. Moreover, our global environmental challenges mus t be addressed in China, as environmental decisions made in China have global significance. What is more, Chinese decision makers have the will and ability to implement required abatement actions, ensuring a sustainable use of natural resources and eco-sy stem services. Generating the necessary knowledge to support these decisions is thus of paramount significance. At the same time, conducting research in China is challenging. Opportunities for institutional building are lacking. Visibility, influence and impact of our important research results are also hampered, causing the large portfolio of Sino-Norwegian research activities to lack prominence. Uniting us enhances our ability to make a difference. UiO and its partners, as well as the research institute s as NILU and SINTEF, represent a scientific platform for renewed cooperation based on our existing trans-disciplinary experience providing a holistic understanding of our environmental challenges, playing an important role for the development of knowledg e-based policy in both countries. The directors of our common partner in China, the Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have interest and willingness to promote our cooperation. In addition to improving disseminati on, we will provide an arena for matchmaking, development of new ideas and for facilitating project applications. Financial support is proposed for the period 2014-2015 for the arrangement of the CHINOR-MILJØ2015 conference in Beijing, China, spring 2015 . Scientists participating in CHINOR-MILJØ2015 related projects will be speakers at the conferences. In addition to the science community, target groups will be stakeholders and decision makers in both countries.