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Strategy in volatile markets: How top management capabilities can ensure growth and value creation through business model innovation

Alternative title: Strategi i volatile markeder: Hvordan toppledelsen kan sikre vekst og verdiskaping gjennom forretningsmodellinnovasjon

Awarded: NOK 1.4 mill.

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Project Period:

2014 - 2020

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Companies are faced with the reality of no longer being able to predict the future by looking at the past. Several disruptive trends are changing the rules of competition, including sustainability and digitization. These changes in our environment are forcing us to rethink strategy and putting a strain on our traditional business models. In this thesis, managerial and organizational implications of business model change and innovation are investigated. The methodology is case-based, and the results are presented in a series of articles. One article focus at the phenomenon?s of sustainable business model innovation (SBMIs) and investigates the microfoundations of managerial dynamic capabilities for SBMI-processes. Another article discusses the continued relevance of business model replication as a strategy in a digital context, for digital business models. A third paper explores the role of the top management team (TMT) in transforming business models.

Resultatene av prosjektet bidrar faglig til litteraturen om forretningsmodellinnovasjon ved å gi en forbedret forståelse av hvordan prosesser for forretningsmodellinnovasjon utvikler seg i eksiesterende organisasjoner og dets organisatoriske og ledelsesmessige konsekvenser. Det illustrerer også hvordan forretningsmodellinovasjon kan utfolde både på forretningsenhets- og konsernnivå. Videre kontekstualiserers BMI ved at det ses på spesifikke karakteristikker av bade digitale og bærekraftige forretningsmodeller og hvordan disse karakteristikkene er relaterti til spesifikke ledelsesutfordringer. Prosjektet bidrar også praktisk gjennom å brukes som utgangspunkt for fagutvikling i Capgemini Invent, samt for metodikk og prosjektgjennomføring for våre kunder. Det vil jobbes videre med publisering av artikler i vitenskapelige journaler, samt i populærvitenskapelige magasin.

CEOs of global companies are faced with the reality of no longer being able to predict the future by looking at the past. Several disruptive trends are changing the rules of competition, including sustainability and digitization. These rapid changes in ou r environment are forcing us to rethink strategy and putting a strain on our traditional business models. Companies' ability to change their business model is influenced by environmental conditions and its existing design and capabilities, implying that f irms may cultivate preparedness for business model change by developing dynamic capabilities that enable them to change their business model in a systematic way. In this thesis, top management capabilities that enable systematic and continuous business mo del innovation will be explored. The focus will be on disruptive business models, including business models creating shared value between corporations and society and business models related to digital transformation. The methodology will be a combination of case studies and other data analysis, and the results will be presented in a series of articles.

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