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Nye lagrings- og pakketeknologier for forlenget salgssesong og bevaring av høy kvalitet på norskprodusert frukt

Alternative title: New storage and packaging technologies for extended marketing season and maintaining high quality of Norwegian fruit

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Progress report period 1.Dec 2017 to 30th of June 2018: Background: Norwegian fruit packhouses have a need for more knowledge on technological solutions in order to even out production peaks, extend marketing season, select suitable packaging solutions for Norwegian fruit and reduce food waste in the distribution chain from time of packaging until consumption. The project has five work packages: 1) non-destructive measurement technology to monitor product quality and optimal time of harvesting, 2) storage technologies adapted to Norwegian fruit varieties, 3) packaging solutions adapted to Norwegian conditions, 4) economic and environmental impact and 5) publication and implementation. Apples (WP 1 and 2) Three non-destructive methods are tested; Near infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and DA meter (DA index). All methods provide interesting information about maturation development in apples. Apple fruit harvested the same day was sorted by DA-meter. In mean of 10 experiments it was more development of both fungal and physiological decay in the more ripe fruit. NIR measurements of starch content as a ripening indicator was not successful. Reasons for that might be the low concentration of starch (below 0.5%) and that the relation between starch measured by iodine test (visual inspection) and actual starch concentration was non-linear. Apple cultivar Summerred soften too quickly after harvest. Immediate cooling was important for firmness loss after short time in cold store. Less ripe and well ripe apples have lower storage potential (more internal breakdown) than medium ripe apples (DA index values from 1.7-1.5). Best result was achieved with storage in 1 kPa O2 and 2 kPa CO2. New storage trials have been performed with Summerred in 2017 with different cooling strategies and different oxygen levels. Firmness of Summerred was higher in 2017 and it was no differences between cooling strategies. Apple variety Santana may develop scald during long-term cold storage. Trials with Santana in Sweden showed that storage in 1-2 kPa O2 and 2 kPa CO2 effectively reduced scald development. Santana stored at 1 and 4 °C in Norway was firm and without decay after three months at regular cold storage. Cherries (WP 2 and 3) Cherries (cv. Lapins) were stored in controlled atmosphere (CA) and air for up to six weeks in 2015 and up to four weeks in 2016. At withdrawal after 0, 2, 3, 4 and 6 weeks, the cherries were stored at different temperatures (simulated distribution chain). Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and CA reduced weight loss and maintained stem colour, but did not reduce decay compared to storage in air. In 2016, cherries (cv. Kordia) were stored for 0 and 3 weeks in CA followed by packaging in today's packaging (open bags) and three other packaging variants. The cherries did not maintain an acceptable quality after 3 weeks in CA with subsequent simulated distribution for 6 days. The decay rate was lower in the open bags and high-CO2 MA packaging, and in addition, the MA packages had minimal weight loss. In 2017, fibre boxes with 5 kg cherries (cv. Lapins) in carry bags were placed in MA bags (similar to imported cherries). The packaging technology worked as planned, but MA did not inhibit the development of decay/fungi. There is a need for measures that can reduce the contamination load of moulds in the value chain from field to packaging to achieve longer storage time for Norwegian cherries. Economy and environment (WP 4) A consumer survey for apples was carried out with 1000 respondents, who answered 20 questions. From the responses, the average consumer waste could be calculated (4.7%), and the consumers' habits and attitudes were mapped. Environmental life cycle assessments (LCA) for plums from Hardanger Fjordfrukt were carried out. Earlier analyses for cherries and apples were updated so that all analyses are performed in a harmonized manner. Plums have the highest carbon footprint (0.81 kg CO2-eq. per kg eaten), whereas apples have the lowest (0.46 kg), and cherries in between these (0.66 kg). The analyses show that the production of fruit is relatively efficient and that the greater environmental impact takes place from packaging plant to consumer. The waste plays the most important role in the total environmental impact, but also long transport and packaging was important. Life cycle costs (LCC) were calculated in two cases for cherries and apples, respectively, and were compared to the packing houses internal costs. Costs are highest in the life cycle phases of orchard and consumer, and waste is, given the assumptions, calculated to be an important factor. A comparative assessment of controlled atmosphere storage solutions showed that simple MAP-solutions were the cheapest options.

Det er rom for økt produksjon av norsk frukt idet forbrukerne vil ha norske varer samtidig som det er politisk vilje til å satse på fruktdyrking i Norge. Igangsatte prosjekter har som mål å doble produksjonen innen 2020. Fruktpakkeriene har allerede i dag utfordringer med arbeidstopper i produksjonen, og har ikke nødvendig kapasitet og teknologi til å håndtere den planlagte doblingen i fruktproduksjonen innen 2020. Det er et behov for mer kunnskap om teknologiske løsninger som kan redusere arbeidstoppene på pakkeriene og forlenge salgssesongen. Det er videre behov for mer kunnskap om egnede emballasjeløsninger til norsk frukt for å øke verdiskapingspotensialet og redusere matsvinn i distribusjonskjeden fra pakking fram til forbruker. I dette prosjektet ønsker vi å teste nye lagrings- og emballeringsteknologier tilpasset norske fruktsorter og produksjonsforhold. Prosjektet vil bestå av fem arbeidspakker: 1) egnet måleteknologi til å følge produktkvaliteten i produktene fra høstetidspunkt fram til forbruker og overgang fra stikkprøve baserte målinger til ikke-destruktive måleteknikker, 2) evaluering av ulike lagringsteknologier tilpasset norske frukttyper og produksjonsvolum ved de ulike pakkeriene, 3) evaluering av nye emballasjeløsninger tilpasset norske produkter og norske distribusjonsforhold, 4) dokumentasjon av økonomiske og miljømessige konsekvenser ved valg av de ulike lagrings- og emballeringsløsningene og 5) implementering av resultatene i pakkeriene og publisering. Internasjonalt benyttes ulike lagringteknologier og mer avanserte emballasjeløsninger i stor grad, som en forutsetning for omfattende eksport av frukt over hele verden året rundt. Norske fruktlagre har i liten grad tatt i bruk disse moderne teknologiene, og for å kunne konkurrere mot import må norske fruktlagre moderniseres. Nyhetselementene vil ligge i testing og implementering av eksisterende teknologier tilpasset norske fruktsorter, fruktpakkeristrukturen og distribusjonskanalene.

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