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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

SET8 - Ny IEA-SHC Task - Multifunctional facades

Awarded: NOK 0.22 mill.

Project Manager:

Project Number:


Project Period:

2014 - 2016

Funding received from:



Abstract - The present project includes the definition, establishment and start-up work of a new Task with working name "Task 5x : Multi-functional facades" within the IEA-SHC Implementing agreement. The project should ensure that the interests from Norwegian point of view are well represented, fitting to the interest of Norwegian actors described hereunder. The Task definition process will be open to include further interested Norwegian actors from research and industry. The central role in the present project is represented by major industrial Norwegian / Nordic actors, who collaborate in the introduction of standard building modules for renewable heat production, which are well-known to the building and construction industry overcoming the barriers of production, distribution and installation at the building site and hereby reducing interface problems,installation time and costs. The major actors are NorDan AS, OSO Hotwater AS, Uponor AS, Sintef and Aventa AS. The present project and the participating in IEA SHC Task 5.x is highly relevant, because it contributes to the vision of IEA SHC and the objectives of ENERGIX concerning the use of renewable energy sources, reduction of CO2 emissions, strengthening innovation within industry and involving Norwegian research institutes. In particular the approach brought forward by Team Norway has a high potential for major impact due to Avent`s on-going and future collaboration with large actors in the building sectors . Large actors in the project are willing to take a central role in re-ducing the energy consumption in buildings by fronting the introduction of renewable energy production.

Funding scheme:

ENERGIX-Stort program energi