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HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning

Preventive tiltak for redusert smittespredning mellom havbruksanlegg og fartøy

Alternative title: Preventive measures for reduced disease spread between aquaculture sites and vessels

Awarded: NOK 5.9 mill.

Diseases and parasites are major challenges for the aquaculture industry, leading to large economic losses. They also have negative effects on the reputation of the industry. Knowledge about diseases and how these are spread between aquaculture plants is therefore of great importance for the industry. Such knowledge is also the basis for developing technology, rules and procedures that can act as deterrents on the spread of infection. Diseases can be spread by fish, other marine animals, and water currents, through vessels, equipment and people. Knowledge about disease spread is therefore a complex and multidisciplinary issue. The TRESS project have studied the spread of infection by vessels, but in a context where all sources of infection should be considered. The results may lead to reducing the risk of infection and contribute to new forms of organization and rules for disease control and coastal area management. This is internationally important and Norwegian solutions will have significant export value. The research have increased the understanding and modelling of horizontal transmission routes for diseases in the aquaculture industry. This includes interdisciplinary understanding, documentation and publication of information on vessel activity and currents. The information is based on empirical data, real-time data acquisition systems and analysis and modelling of vessel activities. Statistics for contact among aquaculture sites based on marine vessel movements has been collected and analysed in order to identifying highly connected areas, sites, and vessels to be targeted for disease surveillance and control measures. The main tasks have been to analyse, filter and present historical AIS data for vessel movement. This data is used for simulation of a disease spread model to elucidate the impact of probability of disease transmitted by marine vessels on epidemic size A method for calculating noncircular risk zones around the individual sites based on current speed and flow direction has been suggested. The aim is to see whether customized zones can provide more precise detection of the real risk of contact between vessels and installations. Simulations at Smøla, Hitra, Frøya, Froan and Frohavet has been runned. The objectives of the simulations was to establish an infection network for fish farms in the area (arrays for water contact and opportunity for waterborne infection), as background data for analyses of transmission routes via well boats and other vessels. Based on this information the industry have developed and tested an operational and robust system, an internet portal for risk control. The system integrates electronic tagging by use of AIS (Automated Identification System), knowledge about potential risk factors associated with the spread of infection, analysis of vessel activity (traffic patterns) and simulated sea currents to a service. The service includes a decision support system for knowledge-based disease control and procedures for coordination and cooperation between industry and supervisory institutions. Kongsberg Seatex has developed and tested an AIS prototype for well boats and fish farms. Coverage data for AIS has been collected and reported. User representatives Salmar, Midt-Norsk havbruk and Norsk Fisketransport has provided input to the function specification of the disease spread model, installed, and tested the systems. ANTEO has identified three new product concepts: a) Resourseplanner, logistics system based on TRESS components, b) Reporting system for vessels within a specific zone and c) Sea lice counter for reporting on site. It is concluded that vessel movements contributes to disease spreading. The project has contributed to a standard for tracing and estimating horizontal disease spreading between fish farms.

Innovasjonen er å utvikle et internettbasert sanntidssystem for overvåking og vurdering av aktiviteter i havbruksnæringen som kan være i strid med biosikkerhetsprinsipper. Løsninger for sanntidsvarsling og presentasjon av forslag til risikoreduserende tiltak ved slike hendelser vil bli utviklet. Prosjektet skal spesielt kartlegge risikoen for smittespredning mellom havbruksanlegg og fartøy. Nyheten ligger i å integrere elektronisk merking, kunnskap om potensielle risikofaktorer knyttet til smittespredning, analyse av fartøysaktivitet (trafikkmønster) og simulerte strømforhold i en tjeneste. Resultatene kan føre til å redusere smitterisikoen, samt bidra til nye former for organisering og regelverk innen sykdomsbekjempelse og arealforvaltning. Dette er problemområder som er internasjonalt viktige, og norske løsninger vil ha betydelig eksportverdi. Prosjektet bidrar til verdiskapning gjennom å redusere tap pga. sykdom og effektivisere driften innenfor følgende næringer/områder: Oppdrettsnæringa, transportnæringa, leverandørindustrien og tilsyn. Forskningen er knyttet til økt forståelse og modellering av horisontale smitteveier for smittsomme og tapsbringende sykdommer i oppdrettsnæringa. Det innebærer bl.a. tverrfaglig forståelse, dokumentasjon og tilgjengeliggjøring av informasjon om fartøysaktivitet og strømforhold. Det er også nødvendig å utvikle menneske-maskingrensesnitt og beslutningsstøttesystem for kunnskapsbasert sykdomskontroll samt rutiner for samhandling og samarbeid mellom næring og tilsynsinstanser. Aktivitetene i prosjektet er innsamling av erfaringsdata og brukerbehov, utvikling og implementering av sanntids datainnsamlingssystemer, analyse/modellering av fartøyaktivitet og forståelse av mekanismer for smittespredning. All denne informasjonen vil bli satt sammen i et operativt og robust system for risikokontroll og presentert i en portal.

Funding scheme:

HAVBRUK2-Stort program for havbruksforskning