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P-SAMISK-Program for samisk forskning

"Og opp steg en tøylesløs joik". Joik i bevegelse mellom tradisjon og modernitet

Alternative title: "And there rose an unbridled yoik". Yoik i motion between tradition and modernity

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Yoik faces both challenges and possibilities in the modern society. The project wanted to explore this. During the last decades there have been a variety of Sami artists performing in a lot af different musical styles. Many of them are using yoik or yoik elements. The project wanted to investigate how the understanding of yoik has developed, how moderne Sami artists use yoik, how yoik is described in media, if the way of yoiking itself is affected etc. During the project period some of these problems have been investigated. In 1953 a ban against yoik was introdused in the schools in Kautokeino by the Sami local authorities. It lasted till the end of the 1990's. The prohibition disappeared as a result of a development through a couple of decades where the way of thinking about yoik changed, partly under influence from modern Sami artists. Modern western music seems to have an impact on traditional yoiking. It is possible to see how the way of yoiking adapts to the use of instruments in different ways. Tests have on the other hand demonstrated that there are young performers that maintain the traditonal way of yoiking. New consepts concerning yoik has emerged, consepts that are in line with the modernisation of the society and the globalisation of the way of thinking. The project has dealt with one such consept. The project has dealt with Sami music of today, partly through an investigation of what is written in the press the last years, and partly as a statistic analyses of the situation for Sami music today. This investigation is published both in Norwegian and in Sami, both in print and on internet. A Sami master student in music has been attached to the project. He was educated master during the project period. His dissertation is about how the first Sami rock group "Ivnniiguin" worked, and their use of yoik. The project has arranged 3 public seminars, in Norway, Sweden and Finland, where Sami artistis, many of them young, were invited to reflect on their own use of yoik and how to deal with yoik in the modern society. The project has arranged Sami conserts, in Finland and a big concluding consert in Tromsø with modern Sami artist from the three Scandinavian countries. During the project period several Sami yoikers and artists have been interviewed. Some of these interviews are transcribed. The project leader has held several lectures about the project and some of the investigated subject, which also have been presented in media.

Prosjektet ønsker å undersøke forholdet mellom moderne samisk musikk og tradisjonell joiking. Moderne artister bruker joik i en rekke musikalske sammensetninger og kombinerer joiken med en lang rekke sjangre. Denne nye bruken av joik ser ikke ut til å være uten konsekvenser. På den ene sida er det interessant å se hvordan joiken anvendes av moderne artister, hvordan joikinga modifiseres for å tilpasses nye musikalske stilarter og nye bruksområder, og hvordan artistene bruker ulike elementer fra joiken. Med dette perspektivet blir spørsmålet hvordan man anvender det tradisjonelle i moderniteten. På den andre sida synes det som om den moderne samiske musikken og artistenes bruk av joik og joikeelementer i neste omgang påvirker selve den tradisjonelle joikinga. Muntlige tradisjoner er i stadig bevegelse, og med dette perspektivet blir spørsmålet i hvor stor grad man vil kunne spore innflytelse fra moderniteten inn i det tradisjonelle. Videre blir spørsmålet hva denne bruken og disse endringsprosessene gjør med den kulturelle og identitetsmessige forståelsen og sjølforståelsen i de samiske samfunnene. Forskningsprosjektet vil utforske endringer i den samiske joiken og bruken av joiken langs to linjer, altså med de nevnte to perspektivene. Utforskinga vil skje på to ulike nivå, det "tekstuelle" og det "kontekstuelle". Det tekstuelle er det joike-interne området. Det har flere ulike sider: musikalske trekk som endres, bruksmåter som endres og forståelsesmåter som endres. Det kontekstuelle er det joike-eksterne området, hvordan musikk og joik inngår i større kulturelle og samfunnsmessige sammenhenger.

Funding scheme:

P-SAMISK-Program for samisk forskning