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ISPNATTEK-ISP - naturvit. og teknologi

Hydrogeologisk forskning og utdanning 2015-2020

Alternative title: Hydrogeological research and education 2015-2020

Awarded: NOK 75,000

Project "Hydrogeological research and education 2015-2020" Water supply in rural areas has previously been the dominant workfield for hydrogeologists in Norway. During recent years, hydrogeologists' skills have become increasingly important for other important tasks in society, particularly related to urban development and natural hazards. But awareness of hydrogeology is still low. Modelling, map visualizations and improved geophysical methods have evolved the hydrogeological toolkit. In this project, Norwegian hydrogeologists have evaluated their professional status, identified challenges and recommended measures for the coming years. The aim is to further develop the scientific field and adapt it to today's needs. Keywords are: improve cooperation between Norwegian research institutions and consultants, exchange experience with related fields and improve links with those end-users, decision makers. The project has received financial support from the Norwegian Research Council. NMBU, UiO, NGU, NVE, NIBIO, UiB and NTNU and IAH-Norway were cooperative partners. Many suggestions have been received from the wider scientific and user community during the project duration. Hydrogeological research 3 main topics have been identified that will need increased attention in the next years: Urban development (urban hydrogeology), Groundwater and natural hazards (landslides and floods) and Constructions in bedrock and soils (e.g. road and railway constructions). Hydrogeological education Universities and colleges wish to strengthen cooperation in order to benefit from eachother's expertise, e.g. through exchange of learning resources and cooperation with related disciplines. In addition, development of common books, compendiums, presentations, field training courses and possibly video lessons are recommended. New webportal for hydrogeology The existing webportal will be further developed as a common portal for the entire scientific and user community. The website will be used by all stakeholders to share and update information about their activities, education, expertise, publications, available equipment etc. Hydrogeology in society The hydrogeological community in Norway wants to stay better attuned to societal needs, and improve dissemination of hydrogeology in general. It is regarded particularly important to inform planning authorities and contractors, to ensure that hydrogeological assessments are taken into account at an earlier stage in planning and building processes. Data and maps The project made plans to improve field data collection and mapping solutions, such as technical solutions for data collection, improve availability of existing data and develop more custom-made maps. Nasjonalt Fagforum Grunnvann, NFG ("National Groundwater Forum") This new offisial scientific forum will bring on the ideas and plans generated during the project. A memorandum of cooperation has been signed by 10 of the nation's leading organizations in research, education and management of groundwater. The final report with main conclusions is published in: Gundersen, Pål; Aagaard, Per; French, Helen Kristine; Tuttle, Kevin John; Sæther, Ola Magne; De Beer, Hans. 2016. Hydrologisk forskning og utdanning 2015-2020: Sluttrapport (In Norwegian only). Other reports and minutes of the project will be made available on under "NFG".

Hydrogeologisk forskning og utdanning 2015-2020 Grunnvann er mye mer enn drikkevann. Det er en energiressurs til varme og kjøling, en utløsende årsak til skred, en potensiell flomdemper, en viktig faktor i setningsproblematikk, en beskyttelse for kulturarv i undergrunnen, en vanningsressurs for jordbruket, en utfordring ved tunneldrift og en forutsetning for liv i mange vassdrag ved å sikre minstevannføring i frostperioder. Norges naturgitte forhold tilsier at vi bør bidra med vår del av den internasjonale hydrogeologiske forskningen. Vi vil derfor komme sammen for å diskutere forskningsutfordringer, arbeidsdeling og samarbeid. Formålet med arrangementene er å beskrive status og utfordringer for hydrogeologisk forskning og utdanning og å tilrettelegge for felles forskningsprosjekter på områder som er strategisk viktige for Norge. Arrangementet er en halvt års prosess i regi av NMBU, UiO og NGU. Oppstart blir i Trondheim under det 24. nasjonale seminar om hydrogeologi og miljø 11. -12. mars 2015. Dette gir en "flying start" når prosjektperioden vi søker støtte til, starter 7. april 2015. Arbeidsgrupper vil utveksle tekst og idéer per e-post gjennom våren og sommeren. En kjernegruppe vil ha møter med tilgrensende fagdisipliner på basis av samarbeidspartnere som er blitt identifisert på oppstartsseminaret. I oktober 2015 vil gruppene møtes til et dagsseminar ved NMBU på Ås for å konkludere. Overordnede tema Hydrogeologi og forskning Hydrogeologi og undervisning Hydrogeologi og samarbeid Hydrogeologi og kommunikasjon mot omverden Aktuelle tema for diskusjon Grunnvann og økosystemer Grunnvann som ressurs Grunnvann i urbane strøk Grunnvann i fjell Grunnvann og geologiske/geokjemiske prosesser Grunnvannets betydning for flom og skred Grunnvann og jus Hydrogeologisk modellering og visualisering Hydrogeologi og nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur

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Funding scheme:

ISPNATTEK-ISP - naturvit. og teknologi

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