The Marine Technology Centre, located at Tyholt and overlooking Trondheim has been instrumental in the development and establishment of Norway's Maritime industry. The centre currently comprises of three institutions, NTNU (The Department of Marine Technology), SINTEF Ocean (an institute of the SINTEF group), and AMOS (A Centre of Excellence - for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems). The Marine Technology Centre is one of the strongest research and educational institutions within Marine Hydrodynamics and Marine Structures worldwide. For over 70 years, universities, research institutions and demanding industrial partners and customers from all over the world have used SINTEF Ocean's (previously MARINTEK) top class laboratories to develop their research, advance their technology, and improve their overall product.
After many years of intensive operation, the laboratories now need major upgrades, in order for the research environment at the Marine Technology Centre to stay in the forefront of marine technology research. The main upgrades that are considered are the following:
- Upgrade of railing, structure, and test rigs in the large towing tank
- New movable bottom for the Ocean basin
- Upgraded weather (wave, current and wind) generation capabilities in the Ocean basin
- Installation of new test section in the cavitation tunnel for advanced flow visualisation studies
- Upgrading of equipment in the Marine Structures laboratory.
The project is planned in 3 phases from 2014 - 2021.
The Marine Technology Centre consists of the three parties NTNU (Dept. of Marine Technology), MARINTEK (an institute in the SINTEF-group) and Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems(AMOS - center of excellence). The Marine Technology Centre is one of the strongest research and educational institutions within Marine Hydrodynamics and Marine Structures worldwide. Its laboratories were already by the outset considered as a national laboratory. After many years of intensive operation, the laboratories now need major upgrades, in order for the research environment at the Marine Technology Centre to stay in the forefront of marine technology research.
The project consists of the following main items:
- Upgrade of railing, structure, and test rigs in the large towing tank
- New movable bottom for the ocean basin
- Upgraded current and weather generation in the ocean basin
- Installation of new test section in the cavitation tunnel for PIV and flow vizualisation studies
- Upgrading of equipment in the Marine Structures laboratory
The project is planned for five years 2014-2019, with a total investment budget of NOK 192 million. The project is divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 has been approved and granted founding (2014-2015).