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SYNKNØYT-Progr.f.synkrotron- og nøytron

Reisestøtte til synkrotron- og nøytronforskningsaktiviteter ved UiS

Alternative title: Travel funding for synchrotron- and neutron-related research activities at the University of Stavanger

Awarded: NOK 49,555

X-rays generated by particle accellerators, so called synchrotrons, have some characteristic properties that cannot be realized using conventional equipment. This is primarily related to the intensity of the generated radiation. This may be up to 8-12 orders of magnitude larger from a synchrotron. As a consequence, it is possible to carry out completely different kinds of experiments than what would be possible in the "home-lab". At the University of Stavanger such experiments are primarily associated with characterization of different kinds of materials - ranging from energy-storage to materials of importance within medicine. Since Norway does not have any national synchrotron, it is crucial for Norwegian researchers to have access to international facilities that provide the best possible experimental conditions. At this stage structural phase-transformations in materials are of particular interest. During the current project period, it has been in particular focused upon how so called "host-lattice" network structures change their character when external thermodynamical variables (in this case temperature) are varied. Such changes in crystal structures are decisive in the understanding of how the physical/chemical and mechanical properties of such materials come out. In turn, this would contribute to a further optimalization/exploitation of these in a more technological context.

Reisestøtten skal i første rekke bidra til utnyttelse av samarbeidavtalen om SNBL fra UiS sin side. Gjennom skal synkrotronbasert metodekompetanse videreutvikles og bygges opp primært innefor fagfeltene fysikk, kjemi, materialvitenskap og petroleumsteknologi. Det tas sikte på å finansiere reiser knyttet til 2 prosjekter i middel per år.

Funding scheme:

SYNKNØYT-Progr.f.synkrotron- og nøytron