Since November 2020, the centre has been in a special phase for mainly two reasons; on the one hand, the covid-situation has strongly impacted centre activities, and on the other hand we have been in transition into phase 2 DLN2.0. During 2021, we have in parallel started up DLN 2.0 and concluded DLN 1.0, which has offered certain challenges related to staff and activities. Now, in the time of writing this DLN end report, DLN2.0 is well up and running with new organization structure, new staff and new energy.
Among the main DLN activities in the period has been to arrange the second round of industry internships this time with 9 new participants; the programme has been very popular, with solid evaluation and feedback from both students and hosts from round 1. Another major activity has been the completion of phase 1 of the DLN associated "Roadmap to Innovation" project which has resulted in two comprehensive research-based reports "AS IS" and "TO BE" (more information described under that project). Innovation has been a central theme in DLN, and with momentum from the Roadmap to Innovation, innovation focus will be further strengthened in DLN2.0 from here. Transdisciplinary biotechnology is a central concept in DLN, and another major activity in 2021 has been qualitative research of transdisciplinarity in DLN. This work culminated in a white paper, a panel debate at the annual Digital Life meeting 2021, and subsequent submission for publication, and provides a valuable foundation for further reflection in DLN 2.0.
Due to covid and travel/meeting restrictions, many DLN activities have been postponed and/or converted into digital events. The DLN annual conference in November 2020 was successfully planned and arranged in a fully digital format. Then, due to a period of open society, we managed to arrange both the DLN Research School annual conference (Malangen) and the DLN annual meeting (Oslo) as physical events fall 2021.
In the reporting period the first generation DLN projects have begun to come to an end, and we have arranged off-boarding meetings with some of them. In parallel, an open call for new research projects to join the centre was developed as part of DLN 2.0.
We have experienced that many of the center's competence areas have increased impact and interest due to changes in our surroundings during the life span of DLN phase 1, and in particular we have been active in arranging workshops and seminars and directed support related to data management, including DMP. Our communication channels are frequently used, including website, newsletters, digital breakfast, social media, and workshops for researchers. Regular meetings with DLN projects around Norway as well as an exciting schedule of events at the DLN Research School provide for ample opportunities for skill-building and networking across the DLN community. In addition, public events, such as the seminar series at Litteraturhuset i Trondheim, which was broadcast on P2, have been important tools to reach out and make DLN activities accessible for a broad audience.
We have formalized collaboration with relevant external organizations including ELIXIR Norway, The Life Science Cluster, and SciLifeLab in Sweden and are in dialogue with others nationally and abroad. Now, at the time of writing this DLN end report, DLN2.0 is up and running with a new organizational structure. It has been a goal during this reporting period to make sure continuation in activities and efforts in the transition from DLN to DLN2.0 and to make sure that we bring best practices and activities with us into the continuation.
På grunn av "uventede" begrensinger i antall tegn vi kan bruke her, har vi valgt å legge denne delen inn bakerst i Resultatrapporten som er lastet opp lengre nede, da vi mener denne delen fortjener litt mere plass. Håper dette er ok
The proposed Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN) breaks the traditional organisation of research and development, by constructing world leading scientific tasks forces that aim to untangle and resolve some of the fundamental societal challenges facing current and forthcoming biotechnology.
The proposed DLN Centre will focus on delivering key instruments for innovation to the Norwegian society and industry, and DLN is relevant for all the main ambitions of the strategic effort Digital Life Convergence for Innovation as described in the call documents. Our short-term goal is to establish a robust and well-functioning Centre that can catalyze development of best practice biotechnology research, training and education in Norway. Our long-term aim is to create economic, societal and environmental value in Norway from biotechnological research and innovation. Our main tool for improving the research quality and innovation potential of the biotechnology research in Norway is to facilitate transdisciplinary research between the life sciences, the mathematical/ICT sciences and the engineering sciences, and an overarching ambition is that all scientific projects in our portfolio shall be strictly transdisciplinary and in accordance with the principles of responsible research and innovation (RRI), based on knowledge co-production between the DL research community and stakeholders and society.