This project (RIS-ID 10425) is part of my master thesis. In this project quantitative and qualitative information about PCBs and natural organic matter present in top soil samples in Arctic region is studied. Outcome is a thorough study of PCBs in Arctic top soil as well as new knowledge on global trends and global fractionation of PCBs. Samples is planned to be collected during summer / autumn 2016. Intention is to make available quantitative information on selected persistent organic pollutants in the soil samples as well as quantitative and qualitative information on natural organic matter in the soil. The overall purpose is to bring forth new knowledge concerning accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the polar areas, and to study the relation between accumulation of POP's and the total amount of natural organic content in top soil.
By adding new knowledge of PCBs in top soil from high north latitudes to known and observed trends for PCBs found in European top soil studies, the theory of the global fractionation of PCBs will be improved and better understood.