1)Malte Müller, WP 1 stk, FMI (FI),SC5-01-2016-2017,
2)Bruce Hacket, WP 1 stk, Univ. Bremen (DE),H2020-EO-2016-3," Services for Earth Observation and Forecast of Sea Ice Dynamics"
3)Harald Schyberg, WP 3 stk, NERSC (UK), H2020-BG-2016-2017-09, "An integrated Arctic observation system"
4)Trond Iversen, WP 1 stk, AWI (DE), H2020-BG-2016-2017-10, "Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere"
5)Malte Müller, WP 1 stk, FMI (FI), H2020-BG-2016-2017-10, "Northern Hemisphere weather and climate influenced by the changing Arctic"
6)Hilde Fagerli,WP 1 stk, TNO (NL) H2020-EO-2016-3, "Cross OSSE Beyond Retrieval of Aerosols"
I tillegg kan det komme flere søknader som vi ikke vet om ennå, hvorav 2 er tenkt som coordinator, 4 som wp ledere og 3 som vanlige deltagere