During the last year we have finished all the analyses and models. These models have been tested on various scenarios based on the input from various stake holders. The HVL team has connected the results from the spatial analyses to energy data for transport. In addition we had 3 consortium meetings in Zurich, Almere and Bergen with the stakeholders from the living labs. The end conference with an interactive workshop was held in Bergen. The PhD students have been working inter active during the last year.
In addition the HVL team have published 2 conference papers at the 12th international space syntax symposium (peer reviewed), and we have 2 journal papers almost ready for submission. One book chapter is published in Springer Nature. The SPACERGY book containing all deliverables is also published.
The methods used in this project are also used in the education of our bachelor and master students at the department of civil engineering. It is obvious that the methods used in the SPACERGY projects has a high level of applicability in urban planning and urban transformation.
Currently, we are looking for new research projects with new research partners with purpose to further develop the knowledge developed through the SPACERGY project into other projects.
Oppnådde virkninger av SPACERGY:
- Ny kunnskap om samspillet mellom strukturen på gate og veg nettet og energi bruk til transport
- Ny kunnskap om forholdet mellom klima og energy bruk til oppvarming og nedkjøling av bygninger
Potensielle virkninger av SPACERGY
- Nye retningslinjer for hvordan planlegge vegnettet i byer og tettsteder
- Nye krav for nye bygninger for å lage energi nøytrale bygninger.
SPACERGY builds upon the need of planning authorities to implement new models for
integration of 'prosumers' and smart mobility departing from the exploitation of their
reciprocities in future patterns of urbanization. Several policies are made by each EU nation,
but effective and practical implementation tools are missing. SPACERGY focuses on the role
of optimized mobility, spatial morphologies, infrastructural elements and local community
participation in regards to the smart use of local resources and addresses a knowledge gap
in relation to interactions and synergies between spatial programming, energy and mobility
systems planning and stakeholder involvement necessary to improve models of development
and governance of urban transformations.
Based on detailed spatial morphology and energy use modelling SPACERGY will develop
new toolsets and guidelines necessary to advance the implementation of energy efficient
forms of development. New toolsets will be tested in three urban areas under development in
the cities of Zurich, Almere, Bergen, and verified by action research in Brescia, acting as
living laboratories for real-time research and action in collaboration with local stakeholders.
The results of this research project will help planners and decision makers to facilitate the
transition of their communities to a more efficient, liveable and thus prosperous urban