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FRINATEK-Fri mat.,naturv.,tek

Geometry and Algebra of PDEs International Conference at the Gateway to Arctic

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Geometry and Algebra of PDEs International Conference at the Gateway to Arctic. Location/Date: University of Tromsø - The arctic university of Norway, June 5-10 2017. The Conference gathered researchers, both well-established and those at the beginning of their carrier, to discuss recent advances in the theory of differential equations and related areas of geometry and algebra. It united experts in non-linear systems, integrability theory and mathematical physics to report on their research, review the progress in the field and inter-communicate on common unsolved problems. The meeting allowed participants to establish fruitful research contacts to formerly unrelated scientists, to collaborate with researchers within the group, and to carry an interdisciplinary dialogue aiming at better understanding of the perspective on the frontiers of the modern science.

The conference will take place at UiT, the world's northernmost university, promoting all basic directions in the natural sciences as well as many specialized subjects related to the unique position in the Arctic. This Conference aims to discuss recent advances in the area of differential equations and relative areas of geometry and algebra. Furthermore, the Conference aims to bring together experts in non-linear differential equations, integrability and mathematical physics to report on the recent progress in the field and inter-communicate on common unsolved problems and future advances. The Conference will allow concentration on research and interdisciplinary dialogue, and will let various former related and/or unrelated scientists to intercommunicate and establish new fruitful research relations. The following topics will be central for the Conference: -Geometry of non-linear partial differential operators, jet-spaces and PDE; -Equations of mathematical physics and integrability methods; -Geometric methods of investigations of overdetermined systems; -Algebraic technique for infinitely prolonged differential equations; -Homological and symbolic methods in PDEs and super-symmetric theories; -Lie theory, generalized symmetries, and group-theoretic approach to PDE; -Differential-geometric structures and the equivalence problem; -Compatibility, solvability and analysis on the solution spaces of PDE systems; -Symbolic and numerical methods and algorithms for reducing differential equations; -Linearization, quasi-linearization problems and Monge-Ampere equations; -Methods of quantizations; entropy, information and applications. For the scientific program, we aim on a mix of theoretical lectures and lectures devoted to applications. Our focus is to create an exceptional mathematical meeting, with a broad range of lectures and subjects in pure mathematics, analysis and applications.

Funding scheme:

FRINATEK-Fri mat.,naturv.,tek