The Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS 2017) will take at University of Oslo on June 8-9, 2017.
The annual conferences in analytical sociology are arranged by an international network of academics. The conferences take place at European and North American universities, and comprise academics with common interested in developing a more rigorous social science and sociology. The conferences are also organized by ourselves and we expect approximately 130 participants at INAS 2017.
We would like to address two main topics at the INAS 2017 conference: First, the generic/overall title of the INAS 2017 conference in Oslo will be in line with the previous INAS conferences: Social mechanisms and analytical sociology; whereas the thematic title will be Segregation in schools and neighborhoods: Consequences and Dynamics.
Jon Elster, University of Paris-Sorbonne, will be invited to give the main plenary talk at the INAS 2017. His work has been important for the new analytical turn in sociology, and he is one of the founding fathers of analytical sociology.
The last conferences of the International network of analytical sociologists has taken place at University of Oxford/Nuffield College (April 2008) University of Paris - Sorbonne (October 2008); University of Torino (2009); University Autonoma de Barcelona (2010); University of Paris- Sorbonne (2011); Colombia University, New York (2012); Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm (2013); University of Mannheim (2014); Harvard University, Boston (2015), and, in 2016, the conference is organized at University of Utrecht.