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FFL-JA-Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri

GRISEFINE LUNGER- a cooperation to decrease respiratory disease in pigs in Norway

Alternative title: GRISEFINE LUNGER- et samarbeidsprosjekt for å kartlegge og redusere luftveisjukdommer hos svin i Norge

Awarded: NOK 1.1 mill.

Respiratory diseases in pigs are commonly occurring in modern pig production worldwide, causing substantial losses in health, welfare and productivity. The Norwegian pig population has a very favorable status in terms of infectious pig diseases with freedom from a number of important diseases which are common in other countries. Several of the acute respiratory disease outbreaks have been associated with the bacteria Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), but other agents or combinations of agents may also be of importance. We want to use relevant biological molecular tools to map and describe different variants of the bacteria. The project aims to gain knowledge about the mechanisms of respiratory disease in pigs in Norway. This has been done through examination and mapping of pathogenic agents with emphasis on Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. Genetic mapping has provided an increased understanding of the bacterium's spread and changes in different geographical areas.

Det var behov for å kartlegge luftveissykdom hos griser i Norge grunnet komplekse årsaksforhold, og internasjonale ulikheter i populasjonsstruktur. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) var mistenkt å stå bak de fleste sykdomsutbrudd blant norske griser. Prosjektet skulle øke forståelsen av smittsom luftveissykdom i den norske populasjonen, gjennom en kasus/kontroll feltstudie av sykdomsutbrudd, og en genomstudie. Resultatene bekrefter at APP serovar 8 forårsaker alvorlige utbrudd av luftveissykdom hos slaktegriser og er dominerende serovar av APP i Norge. Strukturen til den norske grisepopulasjonen har bidratt til stor likhet blant APP8-isolater, og en klar geografisk gruppering. Internasjonale smittevernhensyn har ført til et tydelig skille mellom norske, danske og engelske APP8 isolater. Kunnskap om smitteveier for APP trengs for å evaluere effekt av smittevern på forekomst av utbrudd med APP. Vår forståelse av smittsom luftveissykdom har økt, og kan bidra til å bedre grisens helse.

Respiratory diseases in pigs are commonly occurring in modern pig production worldwide, causing substantial losses in health, welfare and productivity. The Norwegian pig population has a very favourable status in terms of infectious pig diseases with freedom from a number of important viral agents and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae involved in respiratory disease in pigs. Norwegian pig production is currently experiencing reports of increased problems with acute respiratory disease in pigs causing morbidity and mortality. Several of the acute respiratory disease outbreaks have been associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), but other agents or combinations of agents may also be of importance. A systematic investigation of severe respiratory disease in the Norwegian pig population has not been performed in recent years and is therefore needed. The project aims to gain knowledge about the mechanisms of respiratory disease in pigs in Norway, through investigating relevant pathogens and risk factors, identify and implement correct measures for prevention, treatment and Control, and thereby improve both health and welfare in the Norwegian pig population. Results of the project will lead to enhanced health and pig welfare and improved technical and economic production results.

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Funding scheme:

FFL-JA-Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri