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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

EcoSorb - A high-performance bio-fibre absorbent for fresh food packaging applications

Alternative title: EcoSorb - En absorberende biofiber med høy ytelse for emballering av fersk mat

Awarded: NOK 9.4 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2017 - 2020

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Among Norwegian consumers there is a growing awareness for safe and healthy food, as well as environmental and resource-related aspects of food production, distribution and consumption. During the past decade there has been a considerable increase in packaging waste. Increased material complexity has made handling and recycling of large volumes of non-biodegradable waste ever more challenging. Tailored and optimized packaging solutions based on sustainable raw materials - and especially the transition from plastic to cellulose-based materials - has gained increasing focus and the market for safe and biodegradable food packaging systems is expected to grow rapidly. Norway has large biomass resources, and the forest-based value chain is of significant importance in many rural areas in Norway. A key factor in the realization of a successful bio-based economy will be the development of sustainable packaging systems allowing highly efficient and cost-effective processing of biological feedstocks to a range of bio-based products. FollaCell AS intends to play a major part in the on-going technology race in this sector and aims for developing new wood conversion technologies. The organization of the EcoSorb project will contribute to competence-enhancing and value-creating cooperation between industrial companies and internationally recognized R&D institutions. The EcoSorb project aims at developing innovative, functional and ecological packaging solutions, and thereby reduced use of fossil resources. The overall project goal is to commercialize an absorbent pad for packaging of fresh food items, based on bio-fibres from Norwegian forests. All newly developed materials will comply with legislative requirements for food contact materials and consumer safety and product quality will be maintained. The project will also contribute to renewed interests for logging and new bio-based industrial production, and thereby to Norwegian value creation. During the initial project period several thorough literature reviews were conducted to provide a basis for process changes and initial laboratory trials. A critical review of valid legislation was carried out, and requirements for relevant food contact materials and liquid absorbers were identified in order to guarantee consumer-safe product development. The state of art in using lignocellulosic fibres in airlaid absorption products was documented, and options, challenges and strategies for fibre property modifications were evaluated. The project group also selected specific fresh food products among both fish and meat/poultry products, as well as relevant packaging concepts to serve as suitable references within the project. The performance level of reference fiber products has been mapped and we have conducted extensive R&D activities at laboratory scale to find out how this new product shall be produced and what properties we can expect to obtain. Relevant laboratory analyses were developed or implemented and verified, and several methodologies for fibre functionalization were assessed and evaluated. We succeeded to improve target fibre properties in laboratory scale. A significant improvement of some key properties of the EcoSorb fibres was also achieved in a pilot trial. On mill scale we analysed the impact of different processing conditions on relevant fibre properties. Reference levels of the important fibre properties were established, and we identified the most suitable fibre quality for further modification. Targeted installations of new machinery combined with continuous process optimization measures yielded positive results in terms of improved process safety and stability as well as improved fiber quality at MMK FollaCell. Work to develop and implement strategies at the mill to improve fiber quality progressed during the whole project period and several mill scale trials were conducted. The research project had demonstrated a significant improvement of some key properties of the EcoSorb fibres in laboratory and pilot scale. However, full-scale implementation of the proposed methodology was regarded not an option at this moment, due to high technical complexity and health and safety risks. By continuously pursuing alternative fibre quality improvement strategies a novel biofibre quality has successfully been applied in several full-scale airlaid trials with food pad production. Analyses of different absorption parameters and EcoSorb food pad functionality were conducted under relevant storage conditions with selected fresh food products. The pad?s ability to absorb liquid when in contact with meat and fish has been evaluated, as well as food quality and safety. All results show that the fibre based pads are equally good or better than those from fossil based raw materials. Thus, a product based on wood fibres that can replace the fossil based absorbent pads used today is approaching.

Novel lignocellulosic fibre quality tailored for applications in airlaid processing and airlaid absorption products and bio-fibre based food pad prototype of superior environmental profile with functional properties verified for relevant fresh food matching those of the partially fossil-based reference and complying with requirements for food contact materials. Increased level of competitiveness and profitability, extended product portfolio, strengthened market position. Economic results expected within two years. Competence building and value-creating cooperation, new national and international strategic business alliances and long-term future cooperation. Value-creation for forest owners and a sustainable forest-based sector in Norway, responsible and resource-efficient conversion of sustainable raw materials, reduction of CO2 footprint, reduction of food waste, reduction of non-biodegradable packaging waste, improvement of consumer safety, increased environmental awareness.

Det overordnede målet til EcoSorb-prosjektet er å utvikle og kommersialisere en helt ny absorpsjonsmatte for emballering av ferske matvarer, basert på høyabsorberende biofibrer. Det nye produktet vil ha høy absorpsjonsevne, tilfredsstille høye krav til matkvalitet og helsemessig sikkerhet, og være 100% biodegraderbar. Prosjekteier MMK FollaCell er en av kjernebedriftene i den nystartede klyngen Arena Skog i Trøndelag, som har en visjon om å ta en ledende rolle i framtidens bioøkonomiutvikling. Et av klyngens strategiske programområder er anvendelse av trefiber i nye applikasjonsområder, herunder er det spesifikt pekt på nye kvaliteter av høyutbyttes markedsmasse for emballasje- og hygiene/absorpsjonsprodukter som strategisk viktig. I denne sammenhengen vil prosjektet levere svært viktige bidrag for å oppfylle klyngens målsetninger. Prosjektets nøkkelinnovasjon er en radikal omforming av norsk bærekraftig vedråvare til et høyverdig, funksjonalisert absorpsjonsmateriale. Interessen for mattrygghet, klima- og miljøutfordringer og ivaretagelse av våre naturlige ressurser er økende blant norske forbrukere. Med dette innovasjonsprosjektet vil flere norske og internasjonale selskap aktivt samarbeide innenfor den pågående overgangen til en bioøkonomi, og ta en ledende rolle i et spesifikt teknologisegment og produktutviklingsområde. Prosjektet har høy innovasjonsgrad og høyt verdiskapingspotensial i alle steg langs verdikjeden. Produktene og prosessene som skal utvikles og implementeres i prosjektet vil bidra til økt avvirkning, ny biobasert industriell produksjon, nye arbeidsplasser (også i distriktene) og generelt økt norsk verdiskaping. Videre vil EcoSorb-prosjektet levere positive samfunnsbidrag innen følgende områder: i) ansvarlig og ressurseffektiv konvertering av bærekraftige råvarer, ii) reduksjon av CO2-avtrykk, iii) reduksjon av matsvinn, iv) reduksjon av ikke-biodegraderbart emballasjeavfall, v) forbedret forbrukertrygghet, vi) økt miljøbevissthet.

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Funding scheme:

BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena