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FORINFRA-Nasjonal sats.på forskningsinfrastrukt.

Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory

Alternative title: Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory

Awarded: NOK 31.3 mill.

Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory (NorBioLab) is a national biorefinery research infrastructure, comprising the key Norwegian research groups within biorefining; RISE PFI, SINTEF Energy Research, SINTEF Industry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). The vision is that NorBioLab is the fundament for developing novel, advanced biorefinery processes at top international level, tailor-made for Norwegian conditions and feedstocks. NorBiolab's goal is to be the national biorefining infrastructure, easily accessible to national and international stakeholders for development of sustainable conversion processes of Norwegian biomass to novel, environmentally benign biochemicals, biomaterials and bioenergy products. Since the establishment in 2014, NorBioLab has become the most advanced and versatile infrastructure in Norway for valorisation of biomass and other renewable feedstocks.

The Norwegian Biorefinery Laboratory (NorBioLab) is a national infrastructure for biorefining, established in 2014. NorBioLab gathers the key Norwegian stakeholders in the biorefinery area, including RISE PFI, NTNU, NMBU, NIBIO and SINTEF. The vision of NorBioLab is to be the fundament for developing novel, advanced biorefinery processes at top international level, tailor-made for Norwegian conditions. This is further underlined by the main goal, stating that NorBioLab is to be a national infrastructure for biorefining accessible to national and international stakeholders for the development of sustainable conversion processes of Norwegian biomass resources to novel, environmentally benign biochemicals, biomaterials and bioenergy products. NorBioLab is listed on the Norwegian Roadmap for Research Infrastructures. By this, NorBioLab has already been reviewed as Outstanding after a thorough scientific review by international referees, and has been considered to be of major strategic importance for Norwegian research by the Research Council of Norway. Thus, NorBioLab already has a national status; addressing central national tasks by laying a foundation for the transition to a biobased society and the future bioeconomy. Through its first three years of operation, NorBioLab has established a portfolio of research infrastructure units covering both biochemical (sugar platform and biogas platform) and thermochemical (gasification platform and pyrolysis platform) biomass conversion routes. The infrastructure has been made available to national and international industries and stakeholders, as well as to a large number of publicly funded research Projects and students. However, these first three years have also revealed significant additional infrastructure needs. The fulfilment of these will further strengthen the position of NorBioLab, both at the national and international arena. Thus through NorBioLab II we aim to further develop and strengthen NorBioLab.

Publications from Cristin

Funding scheme:

FORINFRA-Nasjonal sats.på forskningsinfrastrukt.

Funding Sources