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SAMKUL-Samfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetninger

Formidlingsprosjekt FORFOOD

Alternative title: Publication project FORFOOD

Awarded: NOK 0.40 mill.

Farmland is an important yet limited resource. We need it to produce food for an ever-increasing population. The soil resource competes with other interests - such as housing, industry, infrastructure, mining, energy, carbon storage and nature conservation. The reduction of food soil has consequences for both national and international food security. The challenges are complex and negotiated in a context of climate change and increased market speculation with agricultural land. The purpose of FORFOOD has been to investigate how culture, values, ethics, argumentation and reasons affect and have influenced the management of food soil in the past, present and future. Five work packages have through exploration and integrated analysis and discussion of the cultural researched prerequisites for: - Management of farmland in three natural resource-based economies; Norway, Australia and Canada - Farmland in environmental policy - The Government Pension Fund Global investments in farmland abroad - Ethical valuations of farmland in management and business - Global land use FORFOOD is an international project with a Norwegian center of gravity. The FORFOOD team has a background in social science and humanities and has taken advantage of this interdisciplinary in its analyses. The FORFOOD dissemination project focuses on publication of videos and books; 1) Hilde Bjørkhaug, Philip McMichael and Bruce Muirhead (Eds) (Revise and resubmit. Print 2018). Frogs, Fuel, Finance or Food? Cultures, Values and Ethics in the Management of Agricultural Land. Toronto University Press. 2) Hilde Bjørkhaug, André Magnan, Geoffrey A. Lawrence (Eds) (Print 2018) Financialization, Food Systems and Rural Transformation. EARTHSCAN from ROUTLEDGE. Earthscan Food and Agriculture series. Video publishing on YouTube and at

Prosjektet FORFOOD har hatt en aktiv formidlingsstrategi og ligger godt an til å oppnå alle målene som ble skissert i den opprinnelige formidlingsplanen. Gjennom høy aktivitet og synlighet med prosjektets problemstillinger på konferanser og workshops har vi identifisert et behov og marked for ytterligere formidling. Vi har derfor to pågående bokprosjekt på internasjonale forlag som ikke var med i våre opprinnelige planer. Paralelt har vi med interesse fulgt videoformidling fra pågående prosjekt i SAMKUL, og utviklingene innenfor denne formidlingsformen, og ønsker å utfordre våre problemstillinger og funn ved bruk av levende bilder og lyd. Det er disse tre formidlingstiltakene denne søknaden omaftter: 1) Videoformidling fra FORFOOD (inntil 5 korte filmer) 2) Frogs, Fuel, Finance or Food? Cultures, Values and Ethics in the Management of Agricultural Land Antologi utgitt på University of Toronto Press 3) Finacialization, food systems and rural transformation Antologi utgitt på EARTHSCAN fra ROUTLEDGE. Earthscan Food and Agriculture series.

Funding scheme:

SAMKUL-Samfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetninger