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E!10821 Standardiserte Turbin-Generator Moduler i faste trykkhøyder ved design av vannkraftverk

Alternative title: Standardized Turbine-Generator Modules for serial propeller hydropower plants

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Manager:

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Project Period:

2017 - 2020

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The present STGM Hydropower concept will represent a new different and more cost effective solution to extracting energy compared to the traditional solutions as for the majority of power plants worldwide are based on a penstock-pipeline from an inlet or magazine to a power plant at the bottom. Hydropower plants are normally constructed in a way that the electromechanical equipment is designed to fit the river so that it is technically economically optimized for the particular head and flow. This means that the power plant is tailored in each case with respect to engineering and manufacturing. For large and medium sized hydropower plants, this is in practice the only way to do it. For small hydropower plants it is many times the same, but here we often see that the construction cost is too high for the power plants in order to become economically profitable. Here we are thinking standardization and mass production in order to achieve more cost effective solutions. Our new solution implies that we use standardized modules (STGM modules) that are designed for specific combinations of head (fixed somewhere between 30 and 60 meters) and flow (adjustable between 0,2 and 2 m3/sec). By this way, in combination with guide vanes governed by the control system, a certain constant pressure is obtained by the inlet of each generator module. A number of such STGM modules are installed in series covering the gross head of the river. The higher gross head of the river the higher proportional number of STGM-modules are installed in the particular power plant project. The pipe length between each STGM module will vary, depending on the slope and profile of the river. The STGM modules are electrically interconnected before they are connected to the grid. This new solution will involve the following major benefits: 1) Standardized units that aims to achieve mass production and thus significantly lower costs compared with current solutions. . 2) The use of complete integrated Turbine-Generator in each module unit. 3) Simplified design and installation. 4) Type Testing reduces risk elements around quality and efficiency compared with current solutions in each project based on tailoring. The project work has resulted in developing a new concept for Standardized Turbine Generator modules at fixed pressure head along the penstock-pipeline. The prices we have registered for all module components and accessories unfortunately indicate higher production costs than we expected. This represents a challenge for us where in the future after the project work we will work with the project in order to arrive at adjusted solutions that will make this solution economically advantageous compared to existing power solutions One contributing reason for the high power plant cost with many STGM modules in series compared to a traditional power plant with pipeline between the intake and the power plant at the bottom is that some large components that must stand next to each STGM-module must be placed enclosed in a small container house, which must then be placed and found at the individual module in a far more extensive way than if similar components could be placed inside a small box next to the individual STGM module. The most positive thing is that the STGM-module solution will be competitive for «Only one module» - power plant. This solution is far simpler than a traditional power plant and will have several applications such as: 1. To extract the energy from freshwater waterworks by using head/height differences that today do not utilize the energy potential. 2. For the production of electricity from high dams with minimum requirements for water flow which today goes directly into the river without taking advantage of the drop loss. 3. For larger water flow, two or more STGM modules can be built in parallel For the most flexible application, it is possible to scale up or down according to the concept's final design Flow / Head area to the STGM module around Flow 0.9 m3 / s and Head 27.5 m. So the STGM-Hydropower concept represents to the highest degree an innovative innovation that will be justified in a variety of projects, and we will continue to work to realize this solution, first and foremost to put in place a pilot project.

Forsknings-og utviklingsprosjektet har resultert i et komplett industridesign for et nytt og videre patentert konsept for modulariserte og standardiserte STGM-modul kraftverk som vil føre til økt bruk av fornybare energikilder globalt. Prosjektarbeidene har avdekket høyere produksjonskostnader med de enkelte STGM-moduler enn hva vi hadde forventet. I fortsettelsen etter prosjektarbeidene vil vi jobbe med prosjektet for å kunne komme frem til justerte løsninger som vil kunne gjøre denne løsningen mer økonomisk fordelaktig sammenlignet med eksisterende kraftverkløsninger. Men som single-modul kraftverk ("Kun en modul kraftverk") vil STGM-modul løsningen være enklere og mer lønnsom en et tradisjonelt kraftverk, og vil i den forbindelse ha flere bruksområder som i ferskvanns vannverk, i demninger i forbindelse med minstevannsføring, to eller flere STG-modluler i paralelle, m.v.

STGM-HYDROPOWER er et nytt konsept for vannkraftproduksjon i vassdrag for enhver relevant trykk-høyde, hvor der legges rørgate for å å skape trykk, og med det lede vannet inn mot kraftverket. Vår løsning tar utgangspunkt i ny teknologi for vannturbiner som brukes i vannfall på ca 50 meter og høyere. Vi betrakter ca 50 m som nedre relevant trykk-høyde for slike elvekraftverk -løsninger. Innovasjonen som vårt konsept innebærer er at løpehjul (turbin-del) og generator-del integreres i en standardisert aggregat-modul som designes slik at de enkelt kan installeres i serie (i faste trykk-høyder) i et gitt antall som er tilpasset fallhøyden i det aktuelle vannfallet. Her snur vi altså tankegangen i forhold til hva som er vanlig i vannkraftsammenheng. I stedet for å tilpasse (skreddersy) maskinutrustningen til det aktuelle vannfallet, så «tilpasses» vannfallet/rørgaten til standardiserte maskiner (produksjons-modul-enheter). Resultatet er rimeligere maskiner som kan masseproduseres og typetestes. Den nye løsningen vil innebære følgende hovedfordeler: 1) standardiserte enheter som innebærer mulighet for masseproduksjon og dermed betydelig lavere kostnader en dagens løsninger 2) benyttelse av ny Variable Speed turbin-generator teknologi 2) forenklet prosjektering og installasjon 3) typetesting som reduserer risikoelementer rundt kvalitet og virkningsgrad sammenlignet med dagens løsninger som i hvert prosjekt baseres på skreddersøm.

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